BOOTCAMP - Key Persons

Aaron O'Brian

Aaron O'Brien is a Royal Marines Commando and met Matt when he underwent Commando training. He is currently serving as a Physical Training Instructor in the Royal Marines Reserve and has experience in planning and implementing physical training to Royal Marines Recruits.This is to ensure that the extremely high standards set by the Royal Marines are achieved during their training. On a personal note, Aaron has always had a keen interest in physical fitness and has completed various sporting events such as ultra marathons, playing rugby and entering obstacle course races.

Matt Lyons

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Bootcamp.Uk.Com
Matt, the founder of, leads a team of fully qualified former soldiers and personal trainers who are currently active within the fitness industry. Matt, a former Royal Marines Commando completed a tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2008 and has trained in various challenging environments including Norway (arctic), Belize and Sierra Leone (jungle), plus also mountain survival and combat training in the US. Through this wealth of training experience gained from operating under hostile conditions in some of the toughest locations in the world, Matt fully understands what it takes to motivate and get the very best out of people.

Michael Daynes

Job Titles:
  • Martial Artist
Michael served for 7 years in the Royal Navy and currently works as a Personal Trainer. Michael is really enjoying working with Matt and his team at During his time in the Royal Navy he served onboard two ships HMS Glasgow and HMS Manchester. Michael was deployed to the Far East in 1999. During 2003 he worked alongside the US Coastguard on counter drug operations in the Carribean for 6 months. He also worked alongside the Royal Marines as an engineer at the landing craft unit based at Royal Marines Poole in Dorset. Michael is a keen Martial Artist and has competed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions and at the Essex and Kent opens in 2009 and the English open in 2011. As he loves a challenge he swam the channel in October 2014 as part of a 6 person relay team. Michael has a Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Personal Training and currently works with a wide range of clients. He is happiest helping people gain the benefits from exercise and healthy living whatever their fitness levels.

Pete Oyston

Following five months of working with Matt at the Chislehurst location, Pete now runs the newest location in Bickley, launched January 2014. He has been involved in fitness all his life and has been a registered Personal Trainer since 2002. Since then, he has undertaken a number of further qualifications to keep his fitness knowledge up to date. These include, boxing instructor, Health and Fitness Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist. In addition to running the Bickley bootcamp, he also works as an Exercise Specialist in the gym at one of the world's top investment banks in Canary Wharf. This role includes special populations exercise and physio referrals for injury rehabilitation. On a personal level he trains every day, enjoying weight training, boxing, Thai boxing and all forms of strength and conditioning. He has completed 2 London Marathons, The Picnic - Britain's toughest off-road marathon and 3 Tough Guy challenges.