Mr. Vijay Chakravarthy - CEO, Chairman, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Managing Director
Confidence is the secret strength of him and he is the person who will adhere to this quote "Making the most of today is the best preparation for tomorrow". He considers every ending as a new beginning and makes the impossible ones as possible ones. He always motivates the employees and stand behind their success. All these credit goes to none other than our Managing director and Chairman Mr. Vijay Chakravarthy. He started this SEO Company nine years before and when he started this company, the strength of the employees was just three, but now the company has 100 employees and even expecting more in the years to come. Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. This young entrepreneur proves this quote and he started this company when he was 22 and during this period of time the company has reached the top position.This techno Greek believes that hard work, dedication and team effort will never fail and it will lead to the better results. Dance is his passion and sports are his interest, he is a good dancer and energetic sportsman and his enthusiasm towards sports gives the company a rhythm of fun when he is around. He is the sole proprietor of the company who takes care of all the client negotiations and signing up projects. Our Contempo technologies grow everyday and he is the reason for the success behind it. It is sure that our company will move to the further steps towards online marketing and SEO services with the support from our Managing Director MR Vijay Chakravarthy. "Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is a waste. Action with Vision alone will make a positive difference." Joel Barker's words best suit our Company which is a positive difference in many lives here. The man behind this vision, action and the positive difference can none but be our Chief Executive Officer And Chairman of Contempo Technologies.