THE KANEKO - History of Changes

2025-02-02 delete cfo Jessica vonNagy
2025-02-02 delete person Jessica vonNagy
2025-02-02 update person_description Curtis Taylor => Curtis Taylor
2025-02-02 update person_description Julianna Perry => Julianna Perry
2025-02-02 update person_description Terra Hall => Terra Hall
2024-12-01 insert person Curtis Taylor
2024-12-01 insert person Kimberly Hickman
2024-12-01 insert person Terra Hall
2024-09-29 delete person Elizabeth Palomino
2024-09-29 delete person Natori Pittman
2024-09-29 insert person Alexia Jacobmeier
2024-09-29 insert person Hannah Rothermich
2024-09-29 insert person Julianna Perry
2024-09-29 insert person Shya Thayer
2024-06-28 update person_title Margaret Garro: Office Manager; Executive Assistant => Office Manager
2024-05-28 insert person Kristin Lundgren
2024-05-28 insert person Margaret Garro
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Andrew Bauer
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Carl Mammel
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Chris Russell
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Erin Painter
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Jeff Slobotski
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Katherine Scarpello
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Katie Weitz
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Martha Bruckner
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Mary Heldridge
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Matthew Mason
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Morgan Grot
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Nancy Williams
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Sarah Mason
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Sherrye Hutcherson
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Stephan Grot
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Steve Seline
2024-03-22 delete otherexecutives Taylor Borchert
2024-03-22 insert cfo Jessica vonNagy
2024-03-22 insert office_emails
2024-03-22 delete address 1011 Jackson St • Omaha, NE 68102
2024-03-22 delete person Andrew Bauer
2024-03-22 delete person Aspen Monet Laboy
2024-03-22 delete person Carl Mammel
2024-03-22 delete person Chris Russell
2024-03-22 delete person Christopher Halbkat
2024-03-22 delete person Dee Harrell
2024-03-22 delete person Erin Painter
2024-03-22 delete person Jeff Slobotski
2024-03-22 delete person Joy Cotton
2024-03-22 delete person Katherine Scarpello
2024-03-22 delete person Katie Weitz
2024-03-22 delete person Martha Bruckner
2024-03-22 delete person Mary Heldridge
2024-03-22 delete person Matthew Mason
2024-03-22 delete person Morgan Grot
2024-03-22 delete person Nancy Williams
2024-03-22 delete person Sarah Mason
2024-03-22 delete person Sherrye Hutcherson
2024-03-22 delete person Stephan Grot
2024-03-22 delete person Steve Seline
2024-03-22 delete person Taylor Borchert
2024-03-22 insert email
2024-03-22 insert email
2024-03-22 insert person Elizabeth Palomino
2024-03-22 insert person Grant Wherry
2024-03-22 insert person Jessica vonNagy
2024-03-22 insert person Parker Harrell
2024-03-22 insert person Peter Scherr
2024-03-22 insert person Virgilio Rodriguez
2024-03-22 update person_title Delaney Whitney: GALLERY SUPERVISOR => Special Projects Assistant
2024-03-22 update person_title Jason Hovey: null => Exhibition and Special Projects Manager
2023-10-09 insert otherexecutives Jacqueline E. Scoones
2023-10-09 delete person Tim Woods
2023-10-09 insert person Jacqueline E. Scoones
2023-10-09 update person_description Christopher Halbkat => Christopher Halbkat
2023-09-06 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-06 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-06 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-06 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-06 delete person Alex Cole
2023-09-06 delete person Amy Himes
2023-09-06 delete person Chelsea Kavich
2023-09-06 delete person Joey Carter
2023-09-06 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2023-09-06 update person_title Katherine Scarpello: Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Education Program Manager; Member of the Education Committee => Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Member of the Education Committee
2023-08-05 delete address OmahaPark Four 1011 Jackson St • Omaha, NE 68102
2023-08-05 delete person Katie Brown
2023-08-05 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2023-08-05 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2023-08-05 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2023-08-05 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2023-08-05 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2023-04-17 delete person Faheem Majeed
2023-03-16 delete otherexecutives Kim Mickelsen
2023-03-16 delete person Kim Mickelsen
2023-03-16 delete person Nikki Rhoades
2023-03-16 update person_title Christopher Halbkat: DESIGN, MARKETING, & PR MANAGER; Design & Marketing and Public Relations Manager => DESIGN, MARKETING, & PR MANAGER; Design & Marketing Manager
2023-02-12 delete person Amanda Q. Kephart
2023-02-12 delete person Courtney Kilroy
2023-02-12 delete person JoAnn Machmuller
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Cassie Kohl
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Chris Kircher
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Erika Conces
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Jerome Bergmeier
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Mike Yanney
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Samuel Bertino
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Sheila Fitzgerald
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Steve Menzies
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Susan Schonlau
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Tia Dawson
2023-01-12 delete otherexecutives Troia Schonlau
2023-01-12 insert otherexecutives Carissa Schrager
2023-01-12 insert otherexecutives Makayla McMorris
2023-01-12 insert otherexecutives Sherrye Hutcherson
2023-01-12 delete person Cassie Kohl
2023-01-12 delete person Erika Conces
2023-01-12 delete person Jerome Bergmeier
2023-01-12 delete person Karen Borchert
2023-01-12 delete person Mike Yanney
2023-01-12 delete person Peter Fankhauser
2023-01-12 delete person Samuel Bertino
2023-01-12 delete person Sheila Fitzgerald
2023-01-12 delete person Steve Menzies
2023-01-12 delete person Susan Schonlau
2023-01-12 delete person Tia Dawson
2023-01-12 delete person Troia Schonlau
2023-01-12 delete person Zach Rawling
2023-01-12 insert person Carissa Schrager
2023-01-12 insert person Makayla McMorris
2023-01-12 insert person Sherrye Hutcherson
2023-01-12 update person_title Chris Kircher: Member of the Board; Member of the Founding Board => Vice President of AVI - SPL; Vice Chairman of the Founding Board; Vice Chairman
2022-12-11 insert person Peter Fankhauser
2022-10-09 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-10-09 delete person Sharmila Seyyid
2022-10-09 insert person Nikki Rhoades
2022-10-09 update person_description Katherine Scarpello => Katherine Scarpello
2022-10-09 update person_title Courtney Kilroy: Gallery Supervisor => Library Education Supervisor
2022-10-09 update robots_txt_status 200 => 0
2022-10-09 update robots_txt_status 200 => 0
2022-10-09 update website_status IndexPageFetchError => OK
2022-09-08 update website_status OK => IndexPageFetchError
2022-08-08 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-08-08 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-08-08 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-08-08 delete person Brett Kyle
2022-08-08 delete person Cristián Doña-Reveco
2022-08-08 delete person Laura Alexander
2022-08-08 delete person Olga Taraschenko
2022-08-08 delete person Stacey Barelos
2022-08-08 insert person Alex Cole
2022-08-08 insert person Amy Himes
2022-08-08 insert person Dee Harrell
2022-08-08 insert person Delaney Whitney
2022-08-08 insert person JoAnn Machmuller
2022-08-08 update person_description Artist Talk => Artist Talk
2022-08-08 update person_title Sharmila Seyyid: Artist Protection Fellow in Residence at UNO and Award - Winning Author => Protection Fund Fellow in Residence at the University of Nebraska
2022-07-08 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-07-08 insert person Artist Talk
2022-07-08 insert person Brett Kyle
2022-07-08 insert person Cristián Doña-Reveco
2022-07-08 insert person Laura Alexander
2022-07-08 insert person Olga Taraschenko
2022-07-08 insert person Sharmila Seyyid
2022-05-09 delete person Walker Greene
2022-05-09 insert person Aspen Monet Laboy
2022-05-09 insert person Chelsea Kavich
2022-05-09 insert person Courtney Kilroy
2022-05-09 insert person Jason Hovey
2022-05-09 insert person Joy Cotton
2022-05-09 insert person Katie Brown
2022-05-09 insert person Natori Pittman
2022-05-09 update person_title Christopher Halbkat: DESIGN, MARKETING, & PR MANAGER => DESIGN, MARKETING, & PR MANAGER; Design & Marketing and Public Relations Manager
2022-05-09 update person_title Joey Carter: Artist from Omaha; SENIOR GALLERY SUPERVISOR => Gallery Supervisor; Artist from Omaha; SENIOR GALLERY SUPERVISOR
2021-12-08 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-12 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-08-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-08-13 delete person Pamela Conyers-Hinson
2021-06-11 delete source_ip
2021-06-11 insert person Artist Talk
2021-06-11 insert source_ip
2021-02-23 delete person Ashley Touchton
2021-02-23 delete person Steve Langan
2021-02-23 insert person Amanda Q. Kephart
2021-02-23 insert person Joey Carter
2021-02-23 insert person Walker Greene
2021-02-23 update person_title Erin Painter: Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Creativity Library Manager => Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee
2021-02-23 update person_title Katherine Scarpello: Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Education & Public Program Coordinator; Member of the Education Committee => Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Education Program Manager; Member of the Education Committee
2021-01-22 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-09-27 update person_title Samuel Bertino: Individual Gifts & Community Engagement Manager; Member of the Soirée Committee => Member of the Soirée Committee
2020-07-18 delete otherexecutives Uroosa Jawed
2020-07-18 delete person Uroosa Jawed
2020-07-18 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-18 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-18 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-18 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2020-07-18 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-18 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-18 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-18 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-18 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2020-04-18 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-02-17 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2020-02-17 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-02-17 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2020-02-17 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2020-02-17 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2020-01-17 update person_description Ashley Touchton => Ashley Touchton
2020-01-17 update person_description Tim Woods => Tim Woods
2019-12-17 delete person Molly Hobson-Vaida
2019-11-16 insert otherexecutives Uroosa Jawed
2019-11-16 delete fax 402-341-0161
2019-11-16 insert person Uroosa Jawed
2019-11-16 update person_title Tia Dawson: Special Event Coordinator; Member of the Soirée Committee => Member of the Soirée Committee
2019-10-17 delete person Hannah Randolph
2019-10-17 delete person Joe O'Connor
2019-10-17 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-10-17 insert person Ashley Touchton
2019-10-17 insert person Christopher Halbkat
2019-10-17 insert person Joey Carter
2019-10-17 update person_description Kat Fackler => Kat Fackler
2019-10-17 update person_title Nash Bellows: Gallery Supervisor => null
2019-09-16 insert person Tim Woods
2019-09-16 update person_description Stephan Grot => Stephan Grot
2019-08-17 update person_title Katherine Scarpello: Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Program Coordinator; Member of the Education Committee => Member of the Programming Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Education & Public Program Coordinator; Member of the Education Committee
2019-07-17 delete coo Andrew Bauer
2019-07-17 delete otherexecutives Monte Thompson
2019-07-17 delete otherexecutives Nick Huff
2019-07-17 insert otherexecutives Sheila Fitzgerald
2019-07-17 delete person Monte Thompson
2019-07-17 delete person Nick Huff
2019-07-17 insert person Sheila Fitzgerald
2019-07-17 update person_title Andrew Bauer: Chief Operations Officer; Member of the Education Committee => Member of the Education Committee
2019-07-17 update person_title Hannah Randolph: Administrative Assistant => Administrative & Grants Assistant
2019-06-17 insert otherexecutives Chip James
2019-06-17 insert otherexecutives Chris Kircher
2019-06-17 insert otherexecutives Rod Markin
2019-06-17 insert person Chip James
2019-06-17 insert person Chris Kircher
2019-06-17 insert person Rod Markin
2019-06-17 update person_title Mary Heldridge: KANEKO Camp Coordinator; Member of the Education Committee => Member of the Education Committee
2019-05-14 delete otherexecutives Bob Schlott
2019-05-14 delete otherexecutives Karen Linder
2019-05-14 delete otherexecutives Polina Schlott
2019-05-14 delete otherexecutives Ruth Meints
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Jeff Slobotski
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Katie Weitz
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Matthew Mason
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Mike Yanney
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Morgan Grot
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Sarah Mason
2019-05-14 insert otherexecutives Taylor Borchert
2019-05-14 delete email
2019-05-14 delete person Bob Schlott
2019-05-14 delete person Karen Linder
2019-05-14 delete person Polina Schlott
2019-05-14 delete person Ruth Meints
2019-05-14 insert email
2019-05-14 insert person Jeff Slobotski
2019-05-14 insert person Katie Weitz
2019-05-14 insert person Matthew Mason
2019-05-14 insert person Mike Yanney
2019-05-14 insert person Morgan Grot
2019-05-14 insert person Sarah Mason
2019-05-14 insert person Taylor Borchert
2019-05-14 update person_description Tia Dawson => Tia Dawson
2019-05-14 update person_title Tia Dawson: Member of the Soirée Committee => Special Event Coordinator; Member of the Soirée Committee
2019-04-06 delete otherexecutives John Krecek
2019-04-06 delete otherexecutives Kim Matthews
2019-04-06 delete otherexecutives Tim Wurtele
2019-04-06 insert otherexecutives Susan Schonlau
2019-04-06 delete alias KANEKO and Applied Underwriters, Inc.
2019-04-06 delete person John Krecek
2019-04-06 delete person Kim Matthews
2019-04-06 delete person Tim Wurtele
2019-04-06 insert person Susan Schonlau
2019-04-06 insert person Walker Greene
2019-02-26 delete otherexecutives Creighton Bassett
2019-02-26 delete otherexecutives Karen Drickey
2019-02-26 delete otherexecutives Mary Lou Brasee
2019-02-26 insert otherexecutives Kim Matthews
2019-02-26 insert otherexecutives Troia Schonlau
2019-02-26 delete person Creighton Bassett
2019-02-26 delete person Karen Drickey
2019-02-26 delete person Mary Lou Brasee
2019-02-26 insert alias KANEKO and Applied Underwriters, Inc.
2019-02-26 insert person Karen Borchert
2019-02-26 insert person Kim Matthews
2019-02-26 insert person Troia Schonlau
2019-02-26 update person_title Erika Conces: Member of the Soirée Committee => Co - Chiar; Member of the Soirée Committee
2019-02-26 update person_title Patrick Morris: Co - Chiar; Member of the Soirée Committee => Member of the Soirée Committee
2019-01-24 delete otherexecutives Steve Menzie
2019-01-24 delete person Jared Spence
2019-01-24 delete person Steve Menzie
2018-12-21 insert otherexecutives Kim Mickelsen
2018-12-21 insert otherexecutives Stephan Grot
2018-12-21 delete email
2018-12-21 delete partner Nebraskans for Civic Reform
2018-12-21 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2018-12-21 delete person Jennifer Patrick
2018-12-21 delete person Stephanie Plummer
2018-12-21 insert email
2018-12-21 insert partner 21st Century Community Learning Centers
2018-12-21 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2018-12-21 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2018-12-21 insert person Erin Painter
2018-12-21 insert person Hannah Randolph
2018-12-21 insert person Katherine Scarpello
2018-12-21 insert person Kim Mickelsen
2018-12-21 insert person Mary Heldridge
2018-12-21 insert person Stephan Grot
2018-12-21 update person_description Molly Hobson => Molly Hobson
2018-12-21 update person_title Molly Hobson: Events Coordinator; Gallery Manager => Exhibitions Manager
2018-12-21 update person_title Samuel Bertino: Devleopment Associate; Development Associate => Individual Gifts & Community Engagement Manager
2018-10-28 delete ceo Henry Davis
2018-10-28 delete chairman J. Robert Duncan
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Chris Hochstetler
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Elisabeth Barrett
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Fred Hunzeker
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Henry Davis
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Larry Jobeun
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Michael Hollins
2018-10-28 delete otherexecutives Zach Rawling
2018-10-28 delete president Henry Davis
2018-10-28 insert chairman Bruce Carpenter
2018-10-28 insert otherexecutives Steve Menzies
2018-10-28 delete person Chris Hochstetler
2018-10-28 delete person Elisabeth Barrett
2018-10-28 delete person Fred Hunzeker
2018-10-28 delete person Henry Davis
2018-10-28 delete person J. Robert Duncan
2018-10-28 delete person John P. Nelson
2018-10-28 delete person Kelsey Scofield
2018-10-28 delete person Larry Jobeun
2018-10-28 delete person Michael Hollins
2018-10-28 insert person Steve Menzies
2018-10-28 update person_description Bruce Carpenter => Bruce Carpenter
2018-10-28 update person_description Jennifer Patrick => Jennifer Patrick
2018-10-28 update person_description Zach Rawling => Zach Rawling
2018-10-28 update person_title Bob Schlott: Co - Chairman of the Board; Member of the Youth Outreach and Engagement Committee; CEO and Owner of Warren Distribution; Member of the Founding Board => Member of the Youth Outreach and Engagement Committee
2018-10-28 update person_title Bruce Carpenter: Member of the Board; Member of the Soirée Committee; Member of the Founding Board => Chairman of the Founding Board; Chairman; Member of the Soirée Committee
2018-10-28 update person_title Jennifer Patrick: Program Manager => Program Manager; KANEKO 's Program Manager
2018-10-28 update person_title Vicki Krecek: Member of the Board; Member of the Programming Committee; Member of the Youth Outreach and Engagement Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Member of the Soirée Committee => Secretary; Secretary of the Founding Board; Member of the Programming Committee; Member of the Youth Outreach and Engagement Committee; Member of Programming Committee; Member of the Soirée Committee
2018-10-28 update person_title Zach Rawling: Member of the Board => Vice Chairman of the Founding Board; Vice Chairman; Founder of the David
2018-08-15 insert otherexecutives Elisabeth Barrett
2018-08-15 delete person Jennifer Taylor
2018-08-15 insert person Jennifer Patrick
2018-08-15 update person_title Elisabeth Barrett: Development Manager => Development Director
2018-08-15 update person_title Samuel Bertino: Devleopment Assistant; Development Assistant => Devleopment Associate; Development Associate
2018-06-29 delete person Holly Lukasiewicz
2018-05-08 delete person Nizar Mamdani
2018-05-08 insert person Samuel Bertino
2018-03-29 delete otherexecutives Carrie Dayton
2018-03-29 delete otherexecutives Chris Christen
2018-03-29 delete otherexecutives Jill Slupe
2018-03-29 delete otherexecutives Joanna Gale
2018-03-29 delete otherexecutives Ricky Fulton
2018-03-29 delete otherexecutives Ryan Ellis
2018-03-29 insert otherexecutives Creighton Bassett
2018-03-29 insert otherexecutives Erika Conces
2018-03-29 insert otherexecutives Jerome Bergmeier
2018-03-29 insert otherexecutives Patrick Morris
2018-03-29 insert otherexecutives Tim Wurtele
2018-03-29 delete person Carrie Dayton
2018-03-29 delete person Chris Christen
2018-03-29 delete person Jill Slupe
2018-03-29 delete person Joanna Gale
2018-03-29 delete person Ricky Fulton
2018-03-29 delete person Ryan Ellis
2018-03-29 insert person Creighton Bassett
2018-03-29 insert person Erika Conces
2018-03-29 insert person Jerome Bergmeier
2018-03-29 insert person Nizar Mamdani
2018-03-29 insert person Patrick Morris
2018-03-29 insert person Tim Wurtele
2018-02-09 update website_status Disallowed => OK
2018-02-09 delete source_ip
2018-02-09 insert source_ip
2017-12-05 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2017-11-15 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2017-11-13 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2017-09-19 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-02-06 insert otherexecutives Therman Statom
2017-02-06 insert person Jennifer Taylor
2017-02-06 insert person Molly Hobson
2017-02-06 update person_title Therman Statom: BOARD MEMBER / Creative Council Member; Artist => MEMBER of the BOARD; Artist
2016-09-19 update person_description Elisabeth Barrett => Elisabeth Barrett
2016-06-07 insert coo ANDREW BAUER
2016-06-07 delete person Jen Daggett
2016-06-07 insert address OmahaPark Four 1011 Jackson St Omaha, NE 68102
2016-06-07 insert phone 402-444-7275
2016-06-07 update person_title ANDREW BAUER: Operations Manager => Director of Operations
2016-06-07 update person_title Elisabeth Barrett: Administrative and Development Assistant => Development Associate
2016-06-07 update person_title Michael Hollins: Program Manager => Director of Programming
2016-01-06 delete otherexecutives Mike Echternacht
2016-01-06 delete otherexecutives Royce Maynard
2016-01-06 insert coo Mike Echternacht
2016-01-06 insert otherexecutives Chris Hochstetler
2016-01-06 delete person Royce Maynard
2016-01-06 delete source_ip
2016-01-06 insert person Chris Hochstetler
2016-01-06 insert source_ip
2016-01-06 update person_description Elisabeth Barrett => Elisabeth Barrett
2016-01-06 update person_title Mike Echternacht: Interim Executive Director => Chief Operations Officer
2015-10-02 insert otherexecutives Steve Seline
2015-10-02 insert otherexecutives Zach Rawling
2015-10-02 delete person Claire Townley
2015-10-02 delete source_ip
2015-10-02 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-02 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-02 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-02 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-02 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-02 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-02 insert person Elisabeth Barrett
2015-10-02 insert person Steve Seline
2015-10-02 insert person Zach Rawling
2015-10-02 insert source_ip
2015-10-02 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 insert otherexecutives Deryl Hamann
2015-08-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 delete person Chris Burden
2015-08-09 delete person Daphne Eck
2015-08-09 delete source_ip
2015-08-09 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-09 insert person Claire Townley
2015-08-09 insert person Deryl Hamann
2015-08-09 insert person Stephanie Plummer
2015-08-09 insert person Tuesday to Friday
2015-08-09 insert source_ip
2015-08-09 update person_description ANDREW BAUER => ANDREW BAUER
2015-08-09 update person_description Polina Schlott => Polina Schlott
2015-08-09 update person_title Michael Hollins: Program Coordinator => Program Manager
2015-04-13 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-04-13 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-04-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-04-13 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2015-04-13 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain
2015-04-13 delete person CHANTEL ASSELIN DUNN
2015-04-13 delete person Mary Zicafoose
2015-04-13 delete source_ip
2015-04-13 insert source_ip
2015-03-04 delete source_ip
2015-03-04 insert person Mary Zicafoose
2015-03-04 insert source_ip
2014-12-22 delete source_ip
2014-12-22 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-22 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-22 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-22 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-22 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-22 insert source_ip
2014-11-15 delete source_ip
2014-11-15 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-15 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-15 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-15 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-15 insert source_ip
2014-11-15 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-31 insert otherexecutives Polina Schlott
2014-08-31 delete person Barbara Westman
2014-08-31 delete person Samina Quraeshi
2014-08-31 delete source_ip
2014-08-31 insert source_ip
2014-08-31 update person_title Polina Schlott: CO - CHAIRMAN of the BOARD ( ROBERT ) BOARD MEMBERS => Member of the Board
2014-07-14 delete otherexecutives J. Robert Duncan
2014-07-14 insert chairman J. Robert Duncan
2014-07-14 delete source_ip
2014-07-14 insert person CHANTEL ASSELIN DUNN
2014-07-14 insert source_ip
2014-07-14 update person_title J. Robert Duncan: MEMBER of the BOARD => CO - CHAIRMAN of the BOARD
2014-04-10 delete coo Mike Echternacht
2014-04-10 delete otherexecutives Ayman El-Mohandes
2014-04-10 delete otherexecutives David M Thompson
2014-04-10 insert otherexecutives KENLEY WILSON
2014-04-10 insert otherexecutives Mike Echternacht
2014-04-10 delete person Ayman El-Mohandes
2014-04-10 delete person David M Thompson
2014-04-10 delete person Erin Dyer
2014-04-10 delete person Erin Sample
2014-04-10 delete person Heike Langdon
2014-04-10 insert person KENLEY WILSON
2014-04-10 insert person Michael Hollins
2014-04-10 update person_description Andrew Bauer => ANDREW BAUER
2014-04-10 update person_title ANDREW BAUER: Facilities Manager; Logistics Coordinator => Operations Manager
2014-04-10 update person_title Mike Echternacht: Operations Director => Interim Executive Director