Dave Peters

Dave Peters ensures Quality Assurance is maintained throughout the duration of the project. He is adept at liaising with the Engineer and managing day-to-day activities. His enthusiasm and commitment to succeed is translated to the high quality and timely delivery of construction works he manages. He is proactive in solving problems, ensuring technical completeness and competence of the contract staff. This involvement contributes to the assurance of successful financial performance of operations to budget.

Sam Collins

Sam Collins started his career in the building and construction industry before venturing into the civil construction realm. As an experienced contractor with 15 years' experience working in both the civil infrastructure and building construction industries. As the managing director, Sam has not only mentored and trained the majority of our team personally but focuses on long term development and career pathways to grow both our employees and business capabilities. An effective problem solver and solution focused individual, Sam assesses and evaluates relevant information to make informed decisions, solves problems based on extensive knowledge of construction methodologies and techniques, while thinking outside the box as well to ensure best outcomes.