SWIT2017 - Key Persons

Armin Haller

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Dr. Amelie Gyrard

Dr. Amelie Gyrard is a post-doc researcher at Ecole des Mines de Saint- Etienne, France, working within the Connected Intelligence - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning team. Previously, she was a postdoc at Insight Center for Data Analytics, National University of Galway and actively working in the scientific development and coordination of the FIESTA-IoT (Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/Cloud Testbeds and Applications) EU H2020 project. Her research interests are on Software engineering for Semantic Web of Things and Internet of Things (IoT), semantic web best practices and methodologies, ontology engineering, reasoning and interoperability of IoT data. She holds a Ph.D. from Eurecom since April 2015 where she designed and implemented the Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) framework. She also disseminated her work in standardizations such as ETSI M2M, oneM2M, and W3C Web of Things.

Dr. Maria Maleshkova

Job Titles:
  • Researcher at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute
Dr. Maria Maleshkova is a postdoctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) and the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Her research work covers Web of Things (WoT) and semantics-based data integration topics, as well as work in the area of the semantic description of Web APIs, RESTful services and their joint use with Linked Data. Prior to that she was a Research Associate and a PhD student at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) at the Open University, where she worked on projects in the domain of SOA and Web Services.

Dr. Ruben Verborgh

Job Titles:
  • Researcher in Semantic Hypermedia at Ghent University
Dr. Ruben Verborgh is a researcher in semantic hypermedia at Ghent University - imec, Belgium and a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders. He explores the connection between Semantic Web technologies and the Web's architectural properties, with the ultimate goal of building more intelligent clients. Along the way, he became fascinated by Linked Data, REST/hypermedia, Web APIs, and related technologies. He's a co-author of two books on Linked Data, and has contributed to more than 200 publications for international conferences and journals on Web-related topics.

Erik Wilde

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Femke Ongenae

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Jacek Kopecký

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Jürgen Umbrich

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Kjetil Kjernsmo

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Lionel Médini

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Marta Sabou

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

María-Esther Vidal

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Peter Haase

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Pierre-Antoine Champin

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Pieter Colpaert

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Pramod Anantaram

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Sebastian Bader

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Stefan Schulte

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Thomas Steiner

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Tobias Weller

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee

Xiang Su

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Program Committee