Heather Christison

Heather Christison has had over 20 years of experience working in accounting and finance. She has worked for all sizes of entrepreneurs from a solo-preneur start-up to a $35 million dollar a year contractor. Her expertise gained working for the first CMA firm in the country provided a wealth of exposure to many different industries. With clients spanning the medical/dental field, construction, business/life coaching, retail/wholesale sales she is well versed in the diverse needs of a variety of industries. She helps entrepreneurs to understand what the numbers mean in their business and how to use that knowledge to grow. Using plain English and examples she helps her clients with the tools they need to thrive in their business. Being in business is a roller coaster, Heather is your partner in the ride helping you navigate the ups and downs with ease and grace. When it comes to navigating the rough waters of finances, Heather Christison is the compass you never knew you needed. My North Star of a financial bookkeeper and business mentor from MyOffsite CFO is none other than Heather, who has been walking along with me patiently for the last six years. But she's not just a whiz with numbers and spreadsheets; she's a wonderful human and a friend I treasure deeply. Heather is the one who makes sense out of what would appear to be total financial chaos and somehow turns what should be an insurmountable mountain of receipts and reports into a tidy, navigable path toward financial clarity. It is as if she is wielding a magic wand, and all falls in place, but the wand is her brain, and the magic is unmatched expertise. But here's the twist: Heather will not only help keep your books straight but guide you in doing so, empowering you to make business decisions that are well-informed by knowledge and confidence. Her guidance was more than helpful, not only in the survival but in the thriving of my business in the capricious world of online marketing. To say I trust Heather unequivocally would be an understatement. If there is a financial guardian angel one could ask for from the word "go" in the business journey, it is her. Whether one is lost in an ocean of financial uncertainty or seeking new heights, she is THAT one at your side. I always said that Heather Christison is an amazing bookkeeper, priceless business mentor, and most of all, a dear friend. Thanks, Heather, for being my lighthouse in the foggy storms of entrepreneurship.