IDEA-STP - Key Persons


Job Titles:
  • President
  • President of IDEA STP
A world citizen, and an Orange County resident, Alessandro brings his international business experience to the table of IDEA-STP (Italian Design Engineering Architecture) Super Tuscan Project in 2018 when a group of inspired construction professionals started planning a new adventure that could bring Tuscan architectural elements and design to Southern California. With just a smartphone and an infinite passion for Tuscan style, Alessandro has put at task his business management experiences and has become a seasoned operations and marketing specialist. His present tasks range from international transport management to marketing and sales manager. As President of IDEA STP, Alessandro is an avid provider of customer support, and he is happy to be able to expand interest and passion for Tuscan Style architecture in Orange County and around the world. When he is not busy with visits and architectural material presentations, Alessandro will be welcoming you at IDEA Super Tuscan Projects' showroom. Come meet him there!


"Marco is one of the newbies at IDEA Super Tuscan Projects but he is already working on transforming our new kitchen cabinetry proposed by our partners ‘Le Cucine dei Mastri', into one of our concepts at the showroom in Southern California. Stay tuned for this! His skills as a seasoned and refined contractor are a testimony to Marco's professional solid and well-rooted experience in Tuscan-style construction and renovation projects. His knowledge of materials and techniques embodies the essence of a true Tuscan building artisan and puts to task a successful portfolio in both commercial and residential building management, from planning to customer service. Marco is excited to work on IDEA-STP' activities and looks forward to adding his professional services to our passionate team!"


Job Titles:
  • Architect
  • Architectural Projects Expert
Architectural projects expert, Nicoletta is in charge of all phases of the project from design to refining, contractor, historic research, energy requalification of existing buildings, expert evaluations and estate transactions advisor, installations of exhibitions and fairs structures. Passionate for heritage and art buildings renovation, remodeling of valuable areas and artifacts, Nicoletta has lead numerous researches and projects in this domain.

Sara Basile

Job Titles:
  • Architect
  • Architect and Researcher, Member of Hyper
Sara Basile, Architect and Researcher, member of Hyper STP since 2018, was born in Bologna and graduated with honors in Florence, where she lives, in Magisterial Architecture at the UniFi. She subsequently obtained a 3 rd level Master's Degree in Architectural Design for the Recovery of Historic Buildings and Public Spaces at the La Sapienza University of Rome and is currently attending the Advanced School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape in Florence. She deals mainly with the recovery and enhancement of historical architecture and the valorization of ancient abandoned settlements. She currently collaborates with the universities of Florence and with the University of Rome La Sapienza. She also works as a freelancer in the field of residential design and in the recovery of abandoned architecture in Florence, Tuscany and central Italy. She was formed in the field of BIM systems first through UniFi and later in the professional world in the use of various software at advanced level.


Job Titles:
  • Civil Engineer
Stefano started his professional experience with a post degree research and achieved a PHD in Structural Engineering and later founded the architects' studio ArchIngegno in 1997. As an experienced structural and geotechnical engineer, Stefano has had various commissions for post seismic events structural interventions such us wood and panel structures, deep foundation for consolidation of land and buildings. He has also had extensive experience in leading projects involving schools, sacred architecture and large community buildings. Recently, his passion for renewable energy and seismic engineering led him to complete various projects of energetic rehabilitation of large buildings (schools and high-rise apartment buildings). Stefano is founder and member the BoA of Hyper STP s.r.l.