Dr. Larry Brannon

Dr. Brannon graduated from University of Florida in 1981 and currently practices dentistry in Charlottesville. Dr. Brannon is a Master in the Academy of General Dentistry and a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Brannon is also a past president of Charlottesville Dental Society and former director of their Community Service program, a donated dental service program which helps the truly needy in Charlottesville. Dr. Brannon was awarded the Virginia Dental Association's Community Service Award for "significant contributions to community dental health through professional achievement, volunteer efforts and leadership." Dr. Brannon is married to Marta and has three daughters and eleven grandchildren. Dr. Brannon enlisted in the Army in 1973 and served as a dental lab technician. He then attended the University of Florida on a full Army scholarship and served as an officer in the dental corps. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1996.