TASTE RESTAURANT - History of Changes

2024-03-23 delete source_ip
2024-03-23 insert source_ip
2024-03-23 insert source_ip
2024-03-23 update robots_txt_status www.taste-restaurant.co.uk: 404 => 200
2024-03-23 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-10-12 update website_status InternalTimeout => FlippedRobots
2023-08-13 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2023-03-12 delete phone 01246 500500 ext 1935
2023-03-12 delete phone 01246 500517
2023-03-12 insert person Luke Warren
2023-03-12 insert phone 01246 500668
2023-03-12 insert phone 01246 500669
2023-03-12 update person_description Lou Mycroft => Dr Lou Mycroft
2022-12-10 delete person Geoff Taster
2022-12-10 insert person Emma Cheshire
2022-11-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain feweek.co.uk
2022-11-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain service.gov.uk
2022-10-08 delete person Liam Harris
2022-10-08 delete person Wesley Davies
2022-10-08 insert person Victoria Searby
2022-10-08 update person_title Jan Hemper: Technical Director at in Control Systems Ltd; Governor Director for Cert Unlimited => Member of: Corporation Board / Finance & Corporate Services Committee; Technical Director at in Control Systems Ltd
2022-10-08 update robots_txt_status vle.chesterfield.ac.uk: 404 => 0
2022-05-08 insert person Steve Jones
2022-03-08 delete general_emails co..@certunlimited.com
2022-03-08 insert career_emails ca..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2022-03-08 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain certunlimited.com
2022-03-08 delete email co..@certunlimited.com
2022-03-08 delete phone 01246 500500 ext 1517
2022-03-08 delete phone 01246 500500 ext 1761
2022-03-08 insert email ca..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2022-03-08 insert phone 01246 500517
2022-03-08 insert phone 01246 500761
2022-03-08 update person_title Jessica Shore: Clerk to the Corporation => Head of Governance
2021-12-10 delete person Ashley Holmes
2021-12-10 insert person Liam Harris
2021-12-10 insert person Pam Bond
2021-12-10 update person_description Beej Kaczmarcyk => Beej Kaczmarcyk
2021-12-10 update person_title Emma Pearson: Staff Governor ( Support ) Link Governor for Health & Safety => Staff Governor
2021-12-10 update person_title Joe Battye: Member of: Corporation Board / Finance & Corporate Services Committee; Director of Economy and Regeneration With Derbyshire County Council => Director of Economy and Regeneration With Derbyshire County Council; Member of: Corporation Board / Joint Vice Chair / Finance & Corporate Services Committee
2021-12-10 update person_title Lee Needham: Staff Governor ( Curriculum ) and Link Governor for Health & Safety => Staff Governor
2021-12-10 update person_title Tony Campbell: null => Member of: Corporation Board / Joint Vice Chair
2021-09-15 delete about_pages_linkeddomain certunlimited.com
2021-09-15 delete email ha..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-09-15 delete person Katy Hanna
2021-09-15 insert person Wesley Davies
2021-06-16 insert person Ashley Holmes
2021-06-16 update person_title Beej Kaczmarcyk: null => Member of: Corporation Board ( Chair ) Finance & Corporate Services Committee
2021-06-16 update person_title Lou Mycroft: Member of the Corporation Board; FE Specialist => Link Governor for Safeguarding; FE Specialist
2021-02-21 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2021-02-21 delete otherexecutives John McElvaney
2021-02-21 insert general_emails co..@certunlimited.com
2021-02-21 delete person Allison Westray-Chapman
2021-02-21 delete person Geoff Leyland
2021-02-21 delete person John McElvaney
2021-02-21 delete person Megan Wildgoose
2021-02-21 delete person Richard Naylor
2021-02-21 delete person Tony Cawthorne
2021-02-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain certunlimited.com
2021-02-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain feweek.co.uk
2021-02-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain certunlimited.com
2021-02-21 insert email ba..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-02-21 insert email bi..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-02-21 insert email co..@certunlimited.com
2021-02-21 insert email ha..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-02-21 insert email lu..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-02-21 insert email va..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-02-21 insert email wo..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2021-02-21 insert person Emma Pearson
2021-02-21 insert person James Lund
2021-02-21 insert person Katy Hanna
2021-02-21 insert person Kelly Vaughan
2021-02-21 insert person Lee Needham
2021-02-21 insert person Lou Mycroft
2021-02-21 insert person Morag Barrows
2021-02-21 insert person Rachael Wood
2021-02-21 insert person Stephen Bilson
2021-02-21 insert person Sue Martin-Standley
2021-02-21 update person_description Joe Battye => Joe Battye
2021-02-21 update person_title Howard Freeman: Partner at Shorts Chartered Accountants => Partner at Shorts Chartered Accountants; Audit Committee ( Chair ); Member of: Corporation Board / Audit Committee ( Chair )
2021-02-21 update person_title Jan Hemper: Technical Director at in Control Systems Ltd; Member of Finance & Corporate Services Committee => Technical Director at in Control Systems Ltd; Governor Director for Cert Unlimited
2021-02-21 update person_title Joe Battye: Member of Finance & Corporate Services Committee => Member of: Corporation Board / Finance & Corporate Services Committee; Director of Economy and Regeneration With Derbyshire County Council
2021-02-21 update person_title John Croot: Chairman of Finance & Corporate Services Committee, Link Governor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion => Link Governor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
2021-02-21 update person_title Leigh Mckenzie: Member of Standards & Performance Committee => Member of: Corporation Board / Standards & Performance Committee
2021-02-21 update robots_txt_status intranet.chesterfield.ac.uk: 401 => 200
2021-01-23 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2020-09-22 delete person Dominic Staniforth
2020-09-22 delete person Janet Beaumont
2020-09-22 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2020-07-29 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2020-06-29 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2020-06-09 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2020-05-10 delete cfo Ian Richards
2020-05-10 delete cfo Rod Morris
2020-05-10 delete chro Craig Acaster
2020-05-10 delete coo David Malone
2020-05-10 delete person Craig Acaster
2020-05-10 delete person Daniel Laverick
2020-05-10 delete person David Malone
2020-05-10 delete person Eric Hadley
2020-05-10 delete person Gavin Varley
2020-05-10 delete person Ian Richards
2020-05-10 delete person Jackie Rossa
2020-05-10 delete person James Wilson
2020-05-10 delete person Jason Folkett
2020-05-10 delete person Jenny Stocks
2020-05-10 delete person Jo Down
2020-05-10 delete person Joanne Kershaw
2020-05-10 delete person Katie Tarrant
2020-05-10 delete person Matt Pinches
2020-05-10 delete person Nicki Clarke
2020-05-10 delete person Rod Morris
2020-05-10 delete person Sue Saunders
2020-05-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2020-04-21 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2020-03-21 insert cfo Ian Richards
2020-03-21 delete person Emma Jones
2020-03-21 update person_title Ian Richards: Interim Head of Finance / Student; Member of the Senior Leadership Team => Director of Finance / Student; Director of Finance; Member of the Senior Leadership Team
2020-03-21 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2020-03-01 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2020-01-31 delete chiefcommercialofficer David Higham
2020-01-31 delete person David Higham
2020-01-31 insert person Jackie Rossa
2020-01-31 insert person Matt Pinches
2020-01-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2020-01-09 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-12-09 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-11-19 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-10-19 delete cfo Lauren Buxton
2019-10-19 delete person Lauren Buxton
2019-10-19 insert person Ian Richards
2019-10-19 update person_title Jason Folkett: Member of the College Leadership Team; Interim Director of Business Systems and ICT / Student => Interim Director of Business Systems and ICT; Member of the Senior Leadership Team
2019-10-19 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-09-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-08-31 delete chiefcommercialofficer Mark Bennington
2019-08-31 delete person Mark Bennington
2019-08-31 insert email ev..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2019-08-31 insert person Eric Hadley
2019-08-31 update person_title Daniel Laverick: Group Marketing and Customer Experience Director; Member of the College Leadership Team => Member of the College Leadership Team; Director of Brand and Communications
2019-08-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-08-12 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-07-12 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-07-12 insert person Joanne Kershaw
2019-06-23 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-05-18 insert cfo Rod Morris
2019-05-18 insert chiefcommercialofficer Mark Bennington
2019-05-18 insert coo David Malone
2019-05-18 insert person Gavin Varley
2019-05-18 insert person Jason Folkett
2019-05-18 insert person Jenny Stocks
2019-05-18 update person_title Daniel Laverick: Member of the College Leadership Team; Director of Marketing and Customer Experience => Group Marketing and Customer Experience Director; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title David Higham: Member of the College Leadership Team; Commercial Director => Group Commercial Director; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title David Malone: Interim Vice Principal: Learning, Skills and Innovation; Member of the College Leadership Team => Chief Operations Officer; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title Emma Jones: Member of the College Leadership Team; Head of Operations - Direct Delivery, Learning Unlimited => Director of Learning Unlimited; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title James Wilson: Director of Excellence and Improvement; Member of the College Leadership Team => Member of the College Leadership Team; Director of Quality Assurance and Improvement
2019-05-18 update person_title Jo Down: Member of the College Leadership Team; Head of Safeguarding and Student Wellbeing / Student => Director of Personal Development and Welfare; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title Mark Bennington: Member of the College Leadership Team; Vice Principal - Commercial Services and Enterprise => Chief Commercial Officer; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title Nicki Clarke: Member of the College Leadership Team; Head of Operations, Learning Unlimited Derby => Director of Operations ( Learning Unlimited Derby ); Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-05-18 update person_title Rod Morris: Deputy Principal - Finance and Corporate Services; Member of the College Leadership Team => Member of the College Leadership Team; Chief Finance Officer
2019-05-18 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-04-26 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-03-27 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-03-27 delete person Anna Jackson
2019-03-27 insert person Jo Down
2019-03-27 update person_title David Malone: Director of Applied, Academic Learning and Service Industries; Member of the College Leadership Team => Interim Vice Principal: Learning, Skills and Innovation; Member of the College Leadership Team
2019-03-27 update person_title Nicki Clarke: Member of the College Leadership Team; Head of Operations, Learning Unlimited Derby / Student => Member of the College Leadership Team; Head of Operations, Learning Unlimited Derby
2019-03-03 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-01-29 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-01-29 delete person Alison Westray Chapman
2019-01-29 delete person Beej Kaczmarcyk
2019-01-29 delete person Chris Todd
2019-01-29 delete person Dominic Staniforth
2019-01-29 delete person Geoff Leyland
2019-01-29 delete person Geoff Taster
2019-01-29 delete person Huw Bowen
2019-01-29 delete person Ivan Fomin
2019-01-29 delete person Joe Battye
2019-01-29 delete person John Croot
2019-01-29 delete person John McElvaney
2019-01-29 delete person Julia Hodder
2019-01-29 delete person Keith Dennis
2019-01-29 delete person Martyn Glossop
2019-01-29 delete person Melanie Murdock
2019-01-29 delete person Sandra Stewart
2019-01-29 delete person Stuart Allen
2019-01-29 delete person Tony Cawthorne
2019-01-29 insert email fi..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2019-01-29 insert person Anna Jackson
2019-01-29 insert phone 01246 500500 ext 1517
2018-12-23 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-10-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-10-31 delete index_pages_linkeddomain hefce.ac.uk
2018-10-31 delete index_pages_linkeddomain tictocfamily.com
2018-10-31 insert index_pages_linkeddomain learningunlimiteduk.com
2018-10-31 insert index_pages_linkeddomain outlook.com
2018-09-26 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-08-23 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-08-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain chesterfieldtheatres.co.uk
2018-08-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain eventbrite.co.uk
2018-08-23 delete person Anthony Gribben-Lisle
2018-08-23 delete person Nicola Adams
2018-08-23 insert person Emma Jones
2018-08-23 insert person James Wilson
2018-08-23 insert person Nicki Clarke
2018-08-23 update person_title David Malone: Director of Applied, Academic Learning and Service Industries ( Photo to Follow ) => Director of Applied, Academic Learning and Service Industries
2018-08-23 update person_title Mark Bennington: Vice Principal - Apprenticeships and Commercial Services => Vice Principal - Commercial Services and Enterprise
2018-07-29 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-06-14 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-06-14 delete otherexecutives Frank Smith
2018-06-14 delete person Cara Wheatley
2018-06-14 delete person David Binks
2018-06-14 delete person Frank Smith
2018-06-14 delete person Roosevelt Alexander
2018-06-14 delete person Sharon Woodward-Baker
2018-06-14 insert about_pages_linkeddomain qaa.ac.uk
2018-06-14 insert career_pages_linkeddomain qaa.ac.uk
2018-06-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain qaa.ac.uk
2018-06-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain chesterfieldtheatres.co.uk
2018-06-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain eventbrite.co.uk
2018-06-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain qaa.ac.uk
2018-06-14 insert management_pages_linkeddomain qaa.ac.uk
2018-06-14 insert person David Malone
2018-06-14 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain qaa.ac.uk
2018-06-14 update person_description Dominic Staniforth => Dominic Staniforth
2018-06-14 update person_description Keith Dennis => Keith Dennis
2018-06-14 update person_title Chris Todd: Interim Deputy Principal - Learning, Skills and Innovation ( Photo to Follow ) => Interim Deputy Principal - Learning, Skills and Innovation
2018-06-14 update person_title Keith Dennis: null => Chairman of Corporation; Group Corporation Chair, Chesterfield College, Infirmary Road, Derbyshire, S41 7NG
2018-05-23 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-04-04 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-04-04 delete person Gill Parkes
2018-04-04 delete person Karen Tucker
2018-04-04 insert person Cara Wheatley
2018-04-04 insert person Chris Todd
2018-04-04 insert person Daniel Laverick
2018-04-04 insert person Dr Huw Bowen
2018-04-04 insert person Katie Tarrant
2018-04-04 update person_description David Binks => David Binks
2018-04-04 update person_description Frank Smith => Frank Smith
2018-04-04 update person_description Geoff Leyland => Geoff Leyland
2018-04-04 update person_description Jill Thomas => Jill Thomas
2018-04-04 update person_description Julie Richards => Julie Richards
2018-04-04 update person_title David Binks: Staff Representative => Member of the Corporation Board since 2017; Leader
2018-04-04 update person_title Jill Thomas: Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Management / Member of the Finance and General Purposes Committee => Member of the Finance; Managing Director of Future Life Wealth Management / Member of the Corporation Board since 2017
2018-04-04 update person_title Stuart Allen: Director of Applied and Academic Learning => Vice Principal, Student Futures
2018-03-16 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-01-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-01-31 update person_title Gill Parkes: Deputy Principal => Deputy Principal - Learning, Skills and Innovation
2018-01-31 update person_title Rod Morris: Interim Vice Principal - Finance and Corporate Resources => Deputy Principal - Finance and Corporate Services
2018-01-12 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-12-14 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-12-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain anyflip.com
2017-12-14 insert about_pages_linkeddomain service.gov.uk
2017-11-25 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-10-28 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-10-28 delete about_pages_linkeddomain anyflip.com
2017-10-28 delete email ho..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2017-10-28 delete person Heather Staton
2017-10-28 delete person Kevin Straughan
2017-10-28 delete phone 01246 500596 or Ext 1596
2017-10-28 insert about_pages_linkeddomain disabledgo.com
2017-10-28 insert email co..@chesterfield.ac.uk
2017-10-28 insert person David Binks
2017-10-28 insert person Jill Thomas
2017-10-28 insert person Sandra Stewart
2017-10-09 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots