Alex Gorringe

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant ( EIA )
Alex, has over five years' experience in the environmental sector, and brings a wealth of expertise in Noise, Air Quality, and environmental monitoring and planning. Driven by a passion for exploring the interconnectivity of different environmental specialisms, she recognises the pivotal role they play in large-scale development projects. By working across various specialist disciplines, Alex understands the importance of fostering dynamic collaboration in the early stages of project development. In her spare time, she enjoys long walks with her dog (Castor), spending time with friends and with her nose buried in a good book.

Alex Hatton

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director, Ecology and Environmental Management
Based in our Mold office, a graduate of Edinburgh Napier University Alex has over 14 years' experience in undertaking ecological assessment for a diverse range of sectors including Renewable Energy, Infrastructure (Roads, Rail and Utilities) and Property Development. Alex is well practiced across a wide range of ecological survey and assessments methods including, vantage point surveys, phase 1 habitat surveys and protected species surveys. He holds ecology licences for great crested newts, dormice and bat disturbance (Class 2). CSCS qualified, he is an experienced Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) and is accustomed to working with contractors to deliver clear toolbox talks regarding ecological issues, providing supervision during the construction phase to ensure discharge of planning conditions are met. Additionally, Alex offers excellent negotiation skills. These skills have been honed through working collaboratively on projects involving private landowners, developers, statutory bodies and other stakeholders to find commercially pragmatic solutions that successful balance the needs of the development with environment

Andy Garner

Job Titles:
  • Design Manager

Catherine Hibbert

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director Ecology ( South )
A full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, Catherine is responsible for leading our expert Ecology team in Mold. She has over eight years consultancy experience, developing mitigation and habitat/species enhancement programmes both as part of the protected species licensing process and to maximise the biodiversity gains across a diverse range of developments including renewable and conventional energy, infrastructure, minerals and property development projects. Catherine is also experienced in conducting terrestrial, ecological and botanical surveys. In particular, Catherine brings an in-depth understanding of the English and Welsh planning system, the legislation governing nature conservation and protection and the published guidance standards for surveys of protected species. She is highly experienced in consulting with local authorities, conservation and regulatory bodies and other professionals in order to successfully provide robust and commercial pragmatic solutions for her clients.

David Wilkinson

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant ( EIA )
David holds an Honours Degree in Geology from Edinburgh University and a Masters Degree in Geothermal Energy from the Engineering Science Department of the University of Auckland in New Zealand. He brings over 7 years of experience across a range of environmental disciplines both in New Zealand and the UK. David has experience working in contaminated land risk assessment and remediation, environmental auditing and compliance monitoring, environmental due diligence, and environmental / industrial permitting. David has applied his experience and project management skills to a wide variety of projects over the years including the redevelopment of a retired coal and gas fired power station, major commercial developments sited on former landfill sites in Auckland, managing a multi-year scope of works auditing environmental compliance of transmission substations, and managing and air quality monitoring network for a data centre provider with centres around London and Manchester.

Dr. Greg Fullarton

Job Titles:
  • Regional Director
  • Regional Director North Scotland
As Regional Director Greg is responsible for leading our team in Inverness. A former SEPA aquatic ecologist, he has over 20 years' experience in professional practice, with a reputation for his ability to deliver practical and cost effective environmental solutions for a range of developments including public utilities, river restoration, housing developments, marine, hydropower, wind farm and large civil engineering projects Greg has a wide range of experience both as an ecologist undertaking protected species surveys and specialist aquatic surveys such as freshwater pearl mussels and fish population assessments as well as performing on-site Ecological Clerk of Works roles, stakeholder consultation, obtaining relevant species and CAR licences and producing Environmental Impact Assessments.

Emilie Michael

Job Titles:
  • Senior Ecologist
A Graduate of Environmental Science BSc from the National University of Ireland, Emily is a highly experienced ecological consultant with extensive expertise in the field of protected species, including bat and Great Crested Newt surveys (GCN), and is well-versed in UKHab vegetation classification and Biodiversity Net Gain. An excellent project manager, she has managed the ecological assessment process across a range of sectors including, major infrastructure projects and regionally significant housing developments, producing a wide range of documents from Ecological Assessments to Protected Species Licences for bats and GCN. She is also an experienced Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW), and is adept at working with contractors to deliver clear toolbox talks regarding ecological issues and providing supervision during the construction phase to ensure compliance with planning conditions.

Fraser Thomson

Job Titles:
  • Principal Consultant, Noise
Based in our Edinburgh office Fraser is a engineering graduate from Heriot-Watt University and a member of the Institute of Acoustics. With over 6 years' experience, he is an expert at interpreting and applying numerous technical standards and national guidance and has conducted numerous noise assessments to satisfy planning conditions for both internal and external acoustic requirements. Using both manual acoustic calculation and noise modelling software to predict noise levels he offers a pragmatic approach to solving complex or unique project challenges across a wide range of projects, including infrastructure developments, transportation infrastructure, residential development, mineral extraction and quarrying, industrial, building and architectural acoustics, sound insulation testing and public sector projects. Fraser has also conducted numerous sound insulation tests, provided design advice, technical assessment, and design of separating partitions for a range of building projects such as hotels, residential, educational and commercial buildings.

James Wilson

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
  • Principal Consultant, Ecology
A graduate of the Stirling University and a member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, James has over 12 years' experience in ecological consultancy covering a range of industry sectors. He has been a key member of the project teams supporting successful planning applications for a number of high profile quarrying projects, including: Duntanlich Barite Mine, Cononish Gold Mine and the redevelopment of Kishorn Yard. James is an accomplished project manager and an experienced field surveyor with particular skills in botany and protected species, undertaking habitat surveys to Phase 1 and NVC level, along with ornithological and protected mammal surveys, such as bat, otter and badger. In addition, James has acted as effective ECoW in the monitoring of site compliance with planning consent and Section 75 agreements, producing annual audits, species protection plans and construction method statements as required.

Jean Curran - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Jean has over 30 years' experience in environmental and economic development as a client and a consultant, in both public and private sectors. Experienced in environmental assessment, consenting and regulation including the provision of advice on environmental due diligence in support of commercial transactions, she has provided technical advice across a vast range of sectors across the UK and in Europe. Jean has a particular interest in sustainable development and low carbon and renewable energy infrastructure and is an expert in the fields of policy and regulation, sustainability performance, economic development and regeneration. Her focus is to lead the Atmos team in building strong client relationships based on trust and shared objectives.

Jenny Bell

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director Ornithology & HRA
Jenny is an expert ornithologist with over 20 years' experience in both research and environmental consultancy sectors. A graduate of Edinburgh University, she is a leading expert in the management of the complexities that bird populations and their nesting behaviours can have on developments. She brings an extensive knowledge of developing pragmatic solutions for a wide range of developments including wind farms, overhead grid lines, underground grid connections, pipelines, hydro schemes, new nuclear builds, road schemes, commercial and residential property developments, as well as bird management plans for international airports. Jenny has detailed knowledge of survey methods for avian ecology and has designed specific methods to address situations where standard methodologies are not applicable.

Jess Hosier

Job Titles:
  • Senior Ecologist
Based in our Mold office, Jess is a graduate of University of Liverpool in Conservation and Resource Management, and a qualifying member of CIEEM. As a Senior Ecologist with Atmos Jess undertakes a range of surveys on behalf our clients including: desk studies, wintering bird surveys, hedgerow removals, protected species surveys, including bat re-entry and emergence, GCN Trapping, otter and water vole. Jess is also experienced in hedgerow surveys, as well as desk based analysis with bat call software Kaleidoscope. Prior to joining Atmos Jess worked with Jacobs as a seasonal ecologist, and also with Tarmac on a research project based on Natural Capital accounts and quarry restoration. This project involved measuring the biodiversity impact on different sites, creating habitat maps with projections for future impacts.

Katie Macintyre

Job Titles:
  • Principal Consultant, GIS
Katie holds a BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation and an MSc (with distinction) in Geographical Information Systems. She has over 5 years' experience in providing GIS solutions across a wide range of sectors including energy, transport, and property development, using a wide range of GIS and remote sensing techniques, data management, analysis and presentation, and mobile data capture methods. Katie has also been responsible for leading a project to design and implement a mobile data collection solution for the ecological surveys, which was rolled out this year. During this time, she gained significant experience in ecological field surveys, another feather in this talented lady's cap.

Lauren Kellaway

Job Titles:
  • Senior Consultant, EIA
An Associate member of the Institute of Environmental Management (IEMA), Lauren has over 7 years' experience of working in the planning and environmental sector, including 3 years' experience as an renewable energy developer, managing projects from feasibility through to consent. An experienced project manager, Lauren's experience includes identification of constraints, feasibility studies, project design, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), screening/scoping, co-ordinating environmental studies and preparing EIA Reports/Environmental Statements. Lauren has applied her skills across a variety of sectors with significant project work undertaken for wind and solar developments, conventional power generation, energy from waste, anaerobic digestion, property, and industrial developments. Lauren is adept at liaising with internal and external consultees and her experience from both a developer and a consultant's perspective allows her an invaluable understanding of the requirements of a client needs.

Malcolm Sangster

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director EIA & Consenting
Based in our Edinburgh office, Malcolm is responsible for managing our EIA and Consenting team across the UK. He brings with him 20 years' experience in environmental assessment and management. A former regulator with both SEPA and the Environment Agency, his consultancy experience includes Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Permitting including the assessment and demonstration of Best Available Techniques. As well as a strong track record in project management and direction he brings a wide variety of skills and expertise to Atmos Consulting. He has supported the delivery of consents for power developments under the local planning, Electricity Act and Development Consent Order regimes and has experience of working in a wide variety of other sectors as well including food and drink, oil and gas, chemical production and property.

Michael Christie

Job Titles:
  • Ecologist
A graduate of Stirling University and also of Aberdeen University, Michael is experienced in ecological field work from his previous role for an engineering consultancy working on a number of infrastructure projects, as well as experience gained from volunteering for various wildlife conservation charities. Michael is responsible for conducting various ecological surveys such as bat and bird surveys, analysing and collating data, and producing various reports for a number of projects.

Stephen McNee

Job Titles:
  • Senior Ecologist
A graduate of the University College London, Stephen has over 10 years' experience in ecological consultancy across a range of sectors including major infrastructure projects, energy and rail. Experienced in impact assessment on projects throughout the UK, his skills include ecological clerk of works, survey and project management. Experienced in a range of survey types his focus areas are Phase 1, UKHab, River Habitat/Corridor survey and ornithological surveys. The latter includes vantage point and breeding bird surveys. In his spare time he volunteers on the British Trust for Ornithology's Breeding Bird Survey. Previous roles focused on ecological clerk of works and reptile/amphibian translocation projects where he gained his great crested newt licence in England. He also holds a Scottish GCN licence. Stephen will be leading on a range of surveys and projects across Scotland whilst at Atmos and will be responsible for mentoring junior members of the UK team.

Tom Hartley

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director, GIS
Tom has fifteen years' experience in the production, analysis and management of geographical data using a variety of GIS platforms. He has extensive theoretical and technical knowledge of GIS in a variety of placements in both the public and private sectors. Since joining Atmos in 2007, Tom has been involved in the development of an award-winning GIS that incorporates geographical data modelling, site search, data management and visualisation. He manages the Atmos Consulting GIS and visualisation team and has been responsible for the analysis and production of figures supporting the submission of over 100 planning applications.