Updated 61 days ago
Registered Society
- Active - IP030874 (CH)
- Age: 14 years
- ID: 18498/149
One Pin Lane, Farnham Common, Bucks SL2 3QY
We are a very social and supportive club in Farnham Common, offering a wide range of sports and activities for all ages and abilities. With an active set of members we are proud to offer the opportunity to take part and also coaching in a range sports at all levels including Cricket, Hockey, Rugby, Squash and Tennis... We also have a very active Activity Club offering a range of sessions including Aerobics, Ballet, Belly Dancing, Boxercise, Private Training, Yoga, Zumba and many more. We also have Quiz Teams and a Bridge Club that meet weekly and we also have facilities for Table Tennis and rooms for hire. On the social scene we host regular events in our club bar, including quiz nights, disco's, seasonal events and annual balls... We operate on a non profit making basis with any trading surplus being reinvested into the club and its facilities for the benefit of all our members. We are proud of our friendly, family orientated environment. We even have a special 5 sports membership..
Also known as: FARNHAM COMMON SPORTS CLUB LIMITED, Farnham Common Sports Club Ltd
Registration numbers: IP030874 (CH), IPS 30874 R (W)
VAT numbers: GB 208 6576 47