Jenny Uzzell

Job Titles:
  • Co - Director
  • Office Manager
Jenny Uzzell, Co-Director and Office Manager. Jenny is Keith's partner and left teaching a few years ago to become involved in the company. Jenny has over 20 years' experience as an RE teacher and Head of Department and is an expert in World Religions having gained an MA from the University of Wales in Lampeter. She is currently studying for a PhD with Prof. Douglas Davies at the University of Durham. Her doctoral work is looking at the ways in which new rituals and memorial practices are emerging in modern funerals. Jenny has had articles published in the Journal for the Study of Religious Experience (JSRE) and the Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion. (JBASR); and is an occasional author for Moon Books publications. As well as her role at Saint and Forster, Jenny is a Senior Examiner for Religious Studies and an occasional Consultant to The Religious Education Council. Jenny oversees much of the admin and PA work at Saint and Forster and is learning all aspects of the business. She is an active member of the Good Funeral Guild and believes it is important to use the knowledge and experience gained in her academic life to work for changes in the funeral service.

Keith Munt

Job Titles:
  • Owner and Co - Director of Saint
Keith is the owner and Co-Director of Saint and Forster Funeral Directors Ltd. He has 21 years experience of working in the funeral service in the Darlington area. Keith entered the profession because he wanted to be able to make a real difference to people at one of the most difficult times in their lives and at Saint and Forster he believes that he has found the perfect opportunity to make his vision into a reality. Keith has been awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) for Saint and Forster's honest and innovative approach to the funeral service.