Leighton Waddell

Job Titles:
  • Lead Technician
Leighton takes a hobbyist approach to computing, enjoying the technical minutiae of computer hardware and software. He carries out much of the hardware repair work. He is usually to be found with his hands inside a laptop - merrily stripping, building and soldering.

Michael Povey

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Managing Director / Customer Services / Engineering
Mike is the M.D. of CTM Communications. He leads a team of developers for Empresa HR, developing application architecture and supporting customers. With an electrical engineering background Mike still has time to be involved with Ellenbrook Computers - our domestic sales & repairs shop.

Russ Roberts

Job Titles:
  • IT Services Manager
Russ has a broad range of skills accumulated through several years of diverse project experience. As IT Services Manager for CTM his primarily role is supporting commerical customers and partners with their IT infrastructures.

Tammy Povey

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder and Director / Management
As a Director Tammy is responsible for the strategic direction of the business as well as daily accounting and marketing functions. Tammy is primarily focused on building a channel model and partnership program for Empresa HR - a powerful cloud-based HR software solution.