TROLEX - Key Persons

Adrian Eccles

Job Titles:
  • Technical Product Manager
Adrian has been working as our Technical Product Manager for our particulate monitoring products since 2022, serving as a link between the engineering team, distributors, and end users, and giving support to all on how the monitors and software work.

Dawn Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Business Manager

Evgeni Gvozdilin

Job Titles:
  • Business Manager

Gareth Herbert

Job Titles:
  • Technical Services Manager
Gareth Herbert has been there, done that and got the technical services t-shirt. In over 26 years at Trolex, he's worked in production, spent twenty years in the service department, and the last six years as Technical Services Manager. It's made Gareth an expert in straightening out post-sales implementation and support issues.

Glyn Pierce-Jones - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Glyn Jones is perhaps the least "just because things have always been done this way, they need to always be done this way," person to ever set foot in an engineering company. Not that he'd set foot in many engineering companies before becoming Trolex CEO. A successful media and technology strategy professional based in London, Glyn's father asked him to take an objective look at the family business and share some ideas of how he might modernise it. His first response was "why?" His second, "maybe….!" He agreed to review Trolex as a client, and the closer he looked, the more he began to recognise a good business, with good products, long term customers and a clear niche. And the more the challenge began to appeal.

John Pierce-Jones - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
That John is able to still share such a generous compliment about the company he founded more than 60 years ago speaks volumes of both his passion for the industry, and the quality of the business he's built.

Kyle Hudson - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director
Drawn from rural North Wales to the bright lights of Manchester via an Industrial Design degree at Loughborough, Trolex Technical Director Kyle Hudson is responsible for a team of twelve engineers. A born problem solver, it's a responsibility that he clearly thrives on.

Lee Pierce-Jones

Job Titles:
  • Director
An experienced geologist with a background in mineral exploration for multinationals in Tanzania and Zambia, Lee has been back at the family business since 2008. Part succession planning. Part fresh perspective and impetus. Wholly positive. Responsible for operational and strategic management, Lee divides his time between reviewing the legacy portfolio - 60 years of legacy that goes all the way back to the early days of the National Coal Board - and exploring how lessons from more than half a century designing and developing products for dangerous environments can be applied to modern industry.

Lucy Cutt

Job Titles:
  • HR Manager
Very much the ‘people person', in her 27 years at Trolex, Lucy has worked her way from her original role as Directors' PA to HR Manager. So she's pretty much seen - and enjoyed - it all.

Steve Holland - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director