JGB - Key Persons

Adrian Rooney - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Adrian has 30 years of experience within the Construction industry and was appointed the role of Managing Director in 2020. Adrian is the fountain of knowledge - what he doesn't know, isn't worth knowing.

Darren Garner

Job Titles:
  • Health, Safety & Environmental Director
Darren joined J Greenwood Builders back in 2005 and worked his way up to become our Health, Safety & Environmental Director in 2014. He has irreplaceable knowledge of the company, all things health and safety and is our in-house tech guru.

John Greenwood - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
John followed in the footsteps of his parents after taking over the company from his father, John Snr. John then became our Chairman and sold his shares in the company to allow us to be an employee-owned business. He is a pro in all things estimating.