Updated 820 days ago
Unit 119 (We inside Intamarble) Anglesey Business Park Littleworth Road Hednesford Cannock WS12 1NR
Our suppliers scour the world for the latest innovations, whether that's in materials, shapes or textures or sourcing a new storage solution which will make life in the kitchen that bit more pleasurable. Our reputation is built upon high levels of customer service to our customers and ensuring they have the very best line up of kitchens and accessories from which to design and create your new perfect kitchen... We manufacture a truly comprehensive range of kitchen styles, from traditional and classic to contemporary and painted. Whatever your taste or lifestyle we're confident of having a kitchen range to suit you. We use a number of suppliers to ensure we can meet the demand of our customers. From classic kitchens through to ultra modern contemporary kitchens, we have it covered... For over 20 years we have been expertly designing, crafting and installing kitchens throughout the county and beyond. So, whether you are enjoying your latest culinary work of genius or just a cup of tea..