2023-10-10 delete person Alison Potter
2023-10-10 delete person Reg Gilbert
2023-10-10 insert person Charlotte Hill-Jones
2023-10-10 insert person Leah Perry
2021-08-03 delete index_pages_linkeddomain office.com
2021-04-28 insert address Woodwater Lane, Exeter, EX2 5AW
2020-10-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain office.com
2019-07-02 insert person Alison Potter
2018-12-19 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain google.co.uk
2018-12-19 delete person Clair Bawden
2018-12-19 delete source_ip
2018-12-19 insert about_pages_linkeddomain parkhilldaycare.co.uk
2018-12-19 insert about_pages_linkeddomain sunningmead.org.uk
2018-12-19 insert about_pages_linkeddomain tiverton.devon.sch.uk
2018-12-19 insert about_pages_linkeddomain webwisemedia.co.uk
2018-12-19 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain parkhilldaycare.co.uk
2018-12-19 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain sunningmead.org.uk
2018-12-19 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain tiverton.devon.sch.uk
2018-12-19 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain webwisemedia.co.uk
2018-12-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain parkhilldaycare.co.uk
2018-12-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain sunningmead.org.uk
2018-12-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain tiverton.devon.sch.uk
2018-12-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain webwisemedia.co.uk
2018-12-19 insert source_ip
2017-12-02 delete person Ashley Leeson
2017-06-20 delete email wi..@thepat.org.uk
2017-06-20 insert email wi..@ventrus.org.uk
2017-05-05 delete email ap..@ventrus.org.uk
2017-03-03 insert email ap..@ventrus.org.uk
2017-01-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain devonjobs.gov.uk
2017-01-01 insert person Carrie Jackson
2017-01-01 insert person Clair Bawden
2017-01-01 update founded_year 2013 => null
2016-11-18 delete source_ip
2016-11-18 insert index_pages_linkeddomain devonjobs.gov.uk
2016-11-18 insert source_ip
2015-02-14 delete email wi..@thecff.org.uk
2015-02-14 insert email wi..@thepat.org.uk
2014-08-21 delete index_pages_linkeddomain thecff.org.uk
2014-08-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain thepat.org.uk
2014-08-21 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain thepat.org.uk
2014-08-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain thepat.org.uk
2014-04-23 delete about_pages_linkeddomain education.gov.uk
2014-04-23 delete person Park Hill
2014-03-23 insert otherexecutives Miss Louise Oxenham
2014-03-23 delete person Miss Emily Firman
2014-03-23 delete person Mrs Alice Thorburn
2014-03-23 delete person Mrs Paula Thorne
2014-03-23 insert person Miss Alice Reeves
2014-03-23 insert person Mrs Emily Way
2014-03-23 insert person Mrs Kerri Mannion
2014-03-23 insert person Mrs Lisa Macdonald
2014-03-23 insert person Mrs Lorraine Kelly
2014-03-23 update person_description Miss Becky Harcombe => Miss Becky Harcombe
2014-03-23 update person_description Miss Jo Radford => Miss Jo Radford
2014-03-23 update person_description Miss Sarah Price => Miss Sarah Price
2014-03-23 update person_description Mr Dan Pomeroy => Mr Dan Pomeroy
2014-03-23 update person_description Mr Darryn Cossey => Mr Darryn Cossey
2014-03-23 update person_description Mr Gary Chown => Mr Gary Chown
2014-03-23 update person_description Mr Graham Cossey => Mr Graham Cossey I
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Angela Wilson-Date => Mrs Angela Wilson-Date
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Carrie Jackson => Mrs Carrie Jackson
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Christine Barnett => Mrs Christine Barnett
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Corinna Travers => Mrs Corinna Travers
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Debbie Milton => Mrs Debbie Milton
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Jo Pedrick => Mrs Jo Pedrick
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Kate Smith => Mrs Kate Smith
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Kelly Scott => Mrs Kelly Scott
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Kelly Triggs => Mrs Kelly Triggs
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Laura Avdiaj-Jones => Mrs Laura Avdiaj-Jones
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Mandy Bentley => Mrs Mandy Bentley
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Rachael Bennett => Mrs Rachael Bennett
2014-03-23 update person_description Mrs Tiffany Case => Mrs Tiffany Case
2014-03-23 update person_title Miss Becky Harcombe: Year 5 Teacher => Year 5 Teacher - Poison Dart Frog Class
2014-03-23 update person_title Miss Louise Oxenham: Head of Teaching and Learning => Head of School
2014-03-23 update person_title Miss Sarah Price: Year 6 Teacher => Year 6 Teacher - Silverback Class
2014-03-23 update person_title Mr Gary Chown: Executive Headteacher => Chief Executive Headteacher
2014-03-23 update person_title Mrs Christine Barnett: Year 6 Teacher => Year 6 Teacher - Silverback Class
2013-12-18 delete person Mrs Maria Phillips
2013-12-18 insert person Mrs Tiffany Case
2013-12-18 update person_title Mrs Carrie Jackson: Administrative Assistant => Administrator
2013-10-27 delete person Miss Christine Rose
2013-10-27 delete person Miss Emilly Reilly
2013-10-27 delete person Mr Rupert Oxlade
2013-10-27 delete person Mrs Deborah Miller
2013-10-27 delete person Mrs Polly Cooper
2013-10-27 insert person Miss Becky Harcombe
2013-10-27 insert person Miss Caleigh Battishill
2013-10-27 insert person Mrs Christine Barnett
2013-10-27 insert person Mrs Mandy Bentley
2013-10-27 update person_description Miss Emily Firman => Miss Emily Firman
2013-10-27 update person_description Miss Louise Oxenham => Miss Louise Oxenham
2013-10-27 update person_description Miss Sarah Price => Miss Sarah Price
2013-10-27 update person_description Mr Dan Pomeroy => Mr Dan Pomeroy
2013-10-27 update person_description Mr Gary Chown => Mr Gary Chown
2013-10-27 update person_description Mrs Alice Thorburn => Mrs Alice Thorburn
2013-10-27 update person_description Mrs Angela Wilson-Date => Mrs Angela Wilson-Date
2013-10-27 update person_description Mrs Jo Pedrick => Mrs Jo Pedrick
2013-10-27 update person_description Mrs Kelly Scott => Mrs Kelly Scott
2013-10-27 update person_title Miss Emily Firman: Foundation Stage Lead Teacher => Foundation Stage Lead Teacher - Monkeys Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Miss Sarah Price: Teacher => Year 6 Teacher
2013-10-27 update person_title Mr Dan Pomeroy: Learning Support Assistant => Year 5 / 6 Learning Support Assistant & HLTA - Silverback Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mr Darryn Cossey: Year 4 / 5 Learning Support Assistant => Year 1 / 2 Learning Support Assistant - Giraffe Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Angela Wilson-Date: Instructor; Year 3 / 4 Learning Support Assistant => Year 3 / 4 Learning Support Assistant - Parrot Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Debbie Milton: Year 1 / 2 Learning Support Assistant => Year 3 / 4 Learning Support Assistant - Tiger Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Jo Pedrick: Foundation Stage Teacher => Foundation Stage Teacher - Monkey Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Kate Smith: Year 3 / 4 Learning Support Assistant => Year 3 / 4 Learning Support Assistant - Tiger Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Kelly Scott: Instructor; Year 5 / 6 Learning Support Assistant => Year 5 / 6 Learning Support Assistant & HLTA - Silverback Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Kelly Triggs: Year 1 / 2 Learning Support Assistant => Foundation Stage Learning Support Assistant - Monkey Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Laura Avdiaj-Jones: Year 1 / 2 Teacher => Year 2 Teacher - Hippo Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Paula Thorne: Year 1 / 2 Learning Support Assistant => Year 1 / 2 Learning Support Assistant - Giraffe Class
2013-10-27 update person_title Mrs Rachael Bennett: Foundation Stage Learning Support Assistant => Foundation Stage Learning Support Assistant - Monkey Class
2013-07-23 update person_description Miss Jo Radford => Miss Jo Radford
2013-04-17 insert about_pages_linkeddomain education.gov.uk
2013-03-07 delete person Miss Caleigh Battishill
2013-03-07 delete person Mr Andy Gittins
2013-03-07 insert person Miss Emilly Reilly
2013-03-07 insert person Miss Jo Radford
2013-01-19 update website_status FlippedRobotsTxt
2012-10-25 delete person Miss Hannah Sidlow
2012-10-25 delete person Miss Nicola Widdowson
2012-10-25 delete person Mrs Clare Soper
2012-10-25 delete person Mrs Joanne Railston
2012-10-25 delete person Mrs Kate Fever
2012-10-25 delete person Mrs Mandy Widdowson
2012-10-25 insert person Ian Buchanan
2012-10-25 insert person Mrs Laura Avdiaj-Jones
2012-10-25 update person_description Miss Louise Oxenham
2012-10-25 update person_title Miss Jane Holman
2012-10-25 update person_title Mrs Alice Thorburn
2012-10-25 update person_title Mrs Debbie Milton
2012-10-25 update person_title Mrs Janet Searle
2012-10-25 update person_title Mrs Kelly Triggs
2012-10-25 update person_title Mrs Paula Thorne
2012-10-25 delete person Mrs Tanya Crocker
2012-10-25 insert person Miss Chloe Shute
2012-10-25 insert person Mr Darryn Cossey
2012-10-25 insert person Mrs Kate Smith
2012-10-25 update person_description Miss Emily Firman
2012-10-25 update person_description Miss Sarah Price
2012-10-25 update person_description Mrs Angela Wilson
2012-10-25 update person_description Mrs Kelly Scott
2012-10-25 update person_title Mrs Janet Searle