UNITED SUN SYSTEMS - History of Changes

2024-04-18 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 20/09/23, NO UPDATES
2024-03-23 delete career_pages_linkeddomain studentconsulting.com
2023-10-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2021-11-30 => 2022-11-30
2023-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2023-08-31 => 2024-08-31
2023-09-20 update statutory_documents PSC'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / LARS JACOBSSON / 20/09/2023
2023-09-18 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/22
2023-04-21 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/23, NO UPDATES
2023-04-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2020-11-30 => 2021-11-30
2023-04-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2022-08-31 => 2023-08-31
2022-09-20 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/21
2022-04-27 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/22, NO UPDATES
2022-04-08 insert person Mr Stefan Ewaldsson
2022-03-09 delete partner Brayton Energy
2022-03-09 delete partner_pages_linkeddomain braytonenergy.net
2022-03-09 delete person Joachim Björnström
2022-03-09 insert partner_pages_linkeddomain altasea.org
2022-03-09 update person_title Hanna Granath: Technical Coordinator => Project Manager
2022-03-09 update person_title Johanna Engvall: Technical Coordinator => Project Manager
2021-10-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2019-11-30 => 2020-11-30
2021-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2021-08-31 => 2022-08-31
2021-09-13 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/20
2021-09-12 insert personal_emails s...@texeles.com
2021-09-12 delete email mi..@txles.com
2021-09-12 delete person Dennis Jakobsson
2021-09-12 delete person Hanna Bladby
2021-09-12 insert email cl..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email cr..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email da..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ha..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ja..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ji..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email jo..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email jo..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ka..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email la..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ma..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ma..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ma..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email mi..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ol..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email pa..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email pe..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email ra..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email s...@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email sc..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email se..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email sh..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email te..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert email to..@texeles.com
2021-09-12 insert person Hanna Granath
2021-09-12 insert person Johanna Engvall
2021-05-31 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/21, NO UPDATES
2021-04-16 delete personal_emails se..@txles.com
2021-04-16 insert personal_emails s...@txles.com
2021-04-16 delete email se..@txles.com
2021-04-16 insert email s...@txles.com
2021-04-16 update person_description Olaf Ruppel => Olaf Ruppel
2021-04-16 update person_title Olaf Ruppel: Technical Designer => Technical Designer and Product Developer; Interim CTO
2021-02-22 delete general_emails in..@unitedsunsystems.com
2021-02-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2021-02-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2021-02-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain unitedsunsystems.com
2021-02-22 delete address Third Floor, 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH United Kingdom
2021-02-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2021-02-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2021-02-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain unitedsunsystems.com
2021-02-22 delete email in..@unitedsunsystems.com
2021-02-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2021-02-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2021-02-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain unitedsunsystems.com
2021-02-22 delete management_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2021-02-22 delete management_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2021-02-22 insert address 65 Penfold Street London NW8 8PQ, United Kingdom
2021-02-22 insert email cl..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email cr..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email ha..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email ja..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email ji..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email ka..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email ma..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email pa..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email sc..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email sh..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email te..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert email to..@txles.com
2021-02-22 insert person Hanna Bladby
2021-02-22 insert person Mark Paskevicius
2021-02-22 insert person Terry Tamminen
2021-02-22 update person_description Me. Joachim Hjerpe => Joachim Hjerpe
2021-02-22 update person_description Mr. Lars Jacobsson => Lars Jacobsson
2021-02-22 update person_title Magnus Wrethander: R & D => Control System Engineer
2021-02-22 update person_title Max Blomdahl: R & D => Engineer
2021-02-22 update person_title Mikael Wrethander: R & D => Control System Engineer
2021-02-22 update person_title Olaf Ruppel: R & D => Technical Designer
2021-02-22 update person_title Per Grahn: R & D => Technical Designer
2020-12-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2018-11-30 => 2019-11-30
2020-12-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2020-11-30 => 2021-08-31
2020-11-24 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/19
2020-09-20 update robots_txt_status www.txles.com: 404 => 200
2020-07-08 update accounts_next_due_date 2020-08-31 => 2020-11-30
2020-04-09 delete otherexecutives Dr Rajenda K. Pachauri
2020-04-09 delete email pa..@txles.com
2020-04-09 delete person Dr Rajenda K. Pachauri
2020-04-02 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/20, NO UPDATES
2019-09-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2017-11-30 => 2018-11-30
2019-09-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2019-08-31 => 2020-08-31
2019-08-20 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/18
2019-03-28 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/19, NO UPDATES
2019-03-02 update description
2019-01-28 delete general_emails in..@unitedsunsystems.com
2019-01-28 insert general_emails in..@txles.com
2019-01-28 delete address 470 Ramona Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 United States
2019-01-28 delete address Kungsgatan 48 411 15 Gothenburg SWEDEN
2019-01-28 delete address Third Floor, 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH United Kingdom
2019-01-28 delete alias United Sun Systems Holding AB
2019-01-28 delete email in..@unitedsunsystems.com
2019-01-28 delete index_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2019-01-28 delete index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2019-01-28 delete index_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2019-01-28 delete index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2019-01-28 delete industry_tag technology
2019-01-28 delete phone +1 650 460 8707
2019-01-28 delete phone +44 800 047 0982
2019-01-28 delete phone +46 31 17 00 00
2019-01-28 insert email in..@txles.com
2019-01-28 update primary_contact Third Floor, 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH United Kingdom => null
2018-10-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2016-11-30 => 2017-11-30
2018-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2018-08-31 => 2019-08-31
2018-08-20 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/17
2018-06-01 insert address 470 Ramona Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 United States
2018-06-01 insert address Third Floor, 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH United Kingdom
2018-04-10 delete otherexecutives Mr. Rajendra K. Pachauri
2018-04-10 delete personal_emails m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-04-10 delete address 470 Ramona Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 United States
2018-04-10 delete alias United Sun Systems International
2018-04-10 delete alias United Sun Systems International Ltd
2018-04-10 delete alias United Sun Systems Ltd.
2018-04-10 delete email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-04-10 delete email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-04-10 delete email rk..@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-04-10 delete person Mr. Rajendra K. Pachauri
2018-04-10 delete phone +46 (0) 31 708 42 01
2018-04-10 insert about_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2018-04-10 insert about_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2018-04-10 insert alias United Sun Systems Holding AB
2018-04-10 insert index_pages_linkeddomain tommusrhodus.com
2018-04-10 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2018-04-10 update person_title Mr. Lars Jacobsson: CEO; Chairman of the Board => Founder and CEO of USS; Chairman; CEO
2018-04-10 update person_title Mr. Lennart Lundström: Technical Director => CTO
2018-04-10 update robots_txt_status www.unitedsunsystems.com: 200 => 404
2018-04-03 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/18, NO UPDATES
2018-02-26 insert otherexecutives Mr. Rajendra K. Pachauri
2018-02-26 insert personal_emails d...@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-02-26 delete address Kungsgatan 48 A SE-411 15 Gothenburg SWEDEN
2018-02-26 delete email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-02-26 delete person Mr. Michael Allen
2018-02-26 delete phone +1 (0) 650 460 8707
2018-02-26 delete phone +44 (0) 800 047 0982
2018-02-26 delete phone +61 (0) 408 883 069
2018-02-26 insert email d...@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-02-26 insert email rk..@unitedsunsystems.com
2018-02-26 insert person Mr. Daniel Wilke
2018-02-26 insert person Mr. Rajendra K. Pachauri
2018-02-26 insert phone +44 800 047 0982
2018-02-26 insert phone +46 (0) 736 32 98 27
2018-02-26 insert phone +46 31 17 00 00
2017-09-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2015-11-30 => 2016-11-30
2017-09-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2017-08-31 => 2018-08-31
2017-08-17 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/16
2017-06-13 insert email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2017-06-13 insert phone +61 (0) 408 883 069
2017-05-13 delete cio Mr. Emanuel Kihlström
2017-05-13 delete personal_emails l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2017-05-13 insert cio Mr. Claes Norin
2017-05-13 delete email l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2017-05-13 delete person Mr. Emanuel Kihlström
2017-05-13 delete person Mr. Lenny Traw
2017-05-13 insert person Mr. Claes Norin
2017-05-13 insert person Mr. Michael Allen
2017-04-04 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 23/03/17, WITH UPDATES
2017-03-08 insert phone +1 (0) 650 460 8707
2017-03-08 insert phone +1 650 460 8707
2016-11-04 insert address 470 Ramona Street Palo Alto CA 94301 United States
2016-10-08 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2014-11-30 => 2015-11-30
2016-10-08 update accounts_next_due_date 2016-08-31 => 2017-08-31
2016-10-07 delete source_ip
2016-10-07 insert source_ip
2016-09-13 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/15
2016-05-14 update returns_last_madeup_date 2015-03-23 => 2016-03-23
2016-05-14 update returns_next_due_date 2016-04-20 => 2017-04-20
2016-04-07 update statutory_documents 23/03/16 FULL LIST
2016-01-25 delete cio Mr. Joakim Gustin
2016-01-25 insert cio Mr. Emanuel Kihlström
2016-01-25 delete person Mr. Joakim Gustin
2016-01-25 insert person Mr. Emanuel Kihlström
2015-10-09 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2013-11-30 => 2014-11-30
2015-10-09 update accounts_next_due_date 2015-08-31 => 2016-08-31
2015-09-03 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/14
2015-05-08 update returns_last_madeup_date 2014-03-23 => 2015-03-23
2015-05-08 update returns_next_due_date 2015-04-20 => 2016-04-20
2015-04-14 update statutory_documents 23/03/15 FULL LIST
2014-11-06 delete email b...@unitedsunsystems.com
2014-11-06 delete person Mr. Bruce Osborn
2014-10-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2012-11-30 => 2013-11-30
2014-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2014-08-31 => 2015-08-31
2014-09-10 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/13
2014-05-01 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2014-05-01 delete source_ip
2014-05-01 insert source_ip
2014-05-01 update robots_txt_status www.unitedsunsystems.com: 404 => 200
2014-04-20 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2014-04-07 insert address THIRD FLOOR 207 REGENT STREET LONDON W1B 3HH
2014-04-07 update registered_address
2014-04-07 update returns_last_madeup_date 2013-03-23 => 2014-03-23
2014-04-07 update returns_next_due_date 2014-04-20 => 2015-04-20
2014-03-24 update statutory_documents 23/03/14 FULL LIST
2013-10-14 insert personal_emails l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-10-14 insert email l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-10-14 insert person Mr. Lenny Traw
2013-09-06 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2011-11-30 => 2012-11-30
2013-09-06 update accounts_next_due_date 2013-08-31 => 2014-08-31
2013-08-30 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/12
2013-08-24 delete cio Mr. Jocke Gustin
2013-08-24 insert cio Mr. Joakim Gustin
2013-08-24 delete person Mr. Jocke Gustin
2013-08-24 insert person Mr. Joakim Gustin
2013-08-14 delete cto Mr. Gerry Rodriguez
2013-08-14 delete personal_emails g...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-08-14 insert cio Mr. Jocke Gustin
2013-08-14 insert otherexecutives Mr. Lennart Lundström
2013-08-14 delete address 3738 Nanhuan Road, Bingjiang Dist, Hangzhou China 310000
2013-08-14 delete email g...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-08-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain hfren.se
2013-08-14 delete person Mr. Gerry Rodriguez
2013-08-14 delete source_ip
2013-08-14 insert person Mr. Jocke Gustin
2013-08-14 insert person Mr. Lennart Lundström
2013-08-14 insert source_ip
2013-07-17 update statutory_documents SECOND FILING WITH MUD 23/03/13 FOR FORM AR01
2013-07-03 delete personal_emails e...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-07-03 insert personal_emails g...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-07-03 delete email bi..@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-07-03 delete email e...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-07-03 delete phone +46 (0) 17 00 00
2013-07-03 insert email g...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-07-02 update returns_last_madeup_date 2012-03-23 => 2013-03-23
2013-07-02 update returns_next_due_date 2013-04-20 => 2014-04-20
2013-06-22 update account_category NO ACCOUNTS FILED => DORMANT
2013-06-22 update accounts_last_madeup_date null => 2011-11-30
2013-06-22 update accounts_next_due_date 2012-08-23 => 2013-08-31
2013-06-18 update statutory_documents 23/03/13 FULL LIST
2013-05-27 delete personal_emails l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-05-27 delete email l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2013-05-27 delete person Mr. Lennart Lundström
2013-05-27 delete phone +46 (0) 705 54 41 70
2013-01-28 update website_status OK
2013-01-21 update website_status FlippedRobotsTxt
2012-12-22 insert cto Mr. Gerry Rodriguez
2012-12-22 insert personal_emails j...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-12-22 delete alias United Sun Systems Ltd.
2012-12-22 delete person Mr. Emil Lundvall
2012-12-22 delete phone +46 (0) 702 77 96 30
2012-12-22 insert address 3738 Nanhuan Road, Bingjiang Dist, Hangzhou China 310000
2012-12-22 insert alias United Sun Systems International Limited
2012-12-22 insert alias United Sun Systems International Ltd.
2012-12-22 insert email b...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-12-22 insert email bi..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-12-22 insert email j...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-12-22 insert person Mr. Bruce Osborn
2012-12-22 insert person Mr. Gerry Rodriguez
2012-12-22 insert person Mr. Joachim Hjerpe
2012-12-22 insert phone +44 (0) 800 047 0982
2012-12-22 insert phone +46 (0) 17 00 00
2012-12-22 insert phone +46 (0) 31 708 42 01
2012-12-22 insert phone +46 (0) 31 708 42 03
2012-12-04 update website_status ServerDown
2012-12-03 delete personal_emails c...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-12-03 delete email c...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-12-03 delete person Mr. Claes Norin
2012-10-25 delete email ea..@unitedsunsystems.co.za
2012-10-25 delete email em..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 delete email jo..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 delete email la..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 delete email le..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 delete email ra..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 delete email se..@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 delete person Mr. Earl Smith
2012-10-25 delete person Mr. Jonas Andersson
2012-10-25 delete phone +27 82 884 8889
2012-10-25 delete phone +46 702 77 96 30
2012-10-25 insert email c...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email e...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email l...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email m...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email r...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert email s...@unitedsunsystems.com
2012-10-25 insert person Mr. Claes Norin
2012-10-25 insert person Mr. Magnus Larsson
2012-10-25 insert person Mr. Magnus Millingen
2012-10-25 insert person Mr. Mats Säterberg
2012-10-25 insert phone +44 (0) 7775 75 11 45
2012-10-25 insert phone +46 (0) 702 77 96 30
2012-08-30 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 30/11/11
2012-03-29 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR APPOINTED LARS JACOBSSON
2012-03-29 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR APPOINTED MAGNUS LARSSON
2012-03-29 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR APPOINTED MATS SATERBERG
2012-03-29 update statutory_documents 23/03/12 FULL LIST
2012-03-29 update statutory_documents APPOINTMENT TERMINATED, DIRECTOR MICHAEL GORDON
2011-11-23 update statutory_documents 23/11/11 FULL LIST
2011-11-04 update statutory_documents REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGED ON 04/11/2011 FROM, SUITE 250 162-168 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W1B 5TD, UNITED KINGDOM