Lauren Murray

Lauren started working in recruitment in 2003 and has owned and managed Murray Recruitment since 2010. Over the years, Lauren has worked with a variety of clients spread across many industries, providing recruitment solutions for single vacancies and high-volume bulk recruitment. Lauren has a passion for providing clients with a high level of customer service and building relationships with all clients. Lauren likes to always be busy and is always running about like a mad person. To relax outside work Lauren likes to go on holiday and keeps an active social life, spending time with family and friends.

Lynsey McCormick

Lynsey is our Operations Manager she coaches and motivates the team to achieve top quality results! Her role is very in depth dealing with quality, processes, operations and customer service. Lynsey has been within the recruitment industry for many years and has a very positive approach! She thrives on the buzz and energy within the office and is always at the heart of the conversations and activities. Lynsey likes to spend her weekends on adventures with her daughter and has a family night every week to make sure everyone takes time out from their busy lives and spends time together. All sound a bit too wholesome? Don't be fooled she enjoys a good cocktail or 3 and going out with her friends when she gets a spare minute!

Nicole Hannah

Nicole has worked within Murray Recruitment since 2013 and previous to this she worked within the retail sector for many years. Having a degree in Human Resource Management and Psychology, Nicole has proved to be a vital asset to our team. Nicole deals with all accounts, payroll and customer service ensuring all contractors and candidates receive feedback to application and queries quickly and efficiently. In Nicole's spare time, she enjoys going to the park with her sons Lewis and Jack and going out for meals and wine with her partner Alan and friends. Nicole also has an unhealthy obsession with colouring in!