SCOTLENS - Key Persons

Jack Brown - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Optometrist

Scott Brown

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Director
To achieve the best result for a patient requires teamwork between us as the manufacturer and you, the ECP. Scott, as an Optometrist, not only designs the lenses, but has been fitting them to his own patients for nearly 20 years. As a recognised expert in specialist GP lenses for irregular eyes, difficult patients are often referred to Scott. All of this knowledge and experience goes into our ECP training, support and in-chair assistance, which Scott personally delivers. Throughout the year Scott delivers CPD, workshops and online guides to keep everyone engaged and up to date.

Tom Griffiths - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Tom Griffiths recently joined Scotlens after his teenage son's life was transformed by our Nocturnal Night Lens - he wanted to spread the word! A Sunday Times Top 100 Entrepreneur & Disruptor, Tom founded, one of the world's first social network sites (1998). A digital marketing veteran, Tom has a 1 million+ ‘viral' to his name and has reached millions globally in the media. He built a global business from a bedroom, has worked with start ups, family firms, Venture Capital and sold a business. He has ‘been there, done that'. Tom works hands-on with our ECP's to help them market themselves better, drive their digital strategies and grow profitable businesses in a sustainable way. Open access to Tom is free for all our ECP members. Tom's Linkedin Biog