Kathleen Nisbet

Kathleen Nisbet started the business in 1993. George was from a farming family and then went on to serve his time as a car mechanic. Eventually this was to be useful in the fitting and repairing of garage doors. Kathleen was a primary school teacher and kept the accounts and the paperwork in check for George. His son, Michael, had come out of the army just as we were getting busier. Michael's time as an Armourer also helped him apply himself in the Garage Door trade. From time to time we employed young apprentices from Henry Boot and were very successful in the recruitment of Gavin our longest serving employee. Gavin started with us at 16 and has gone on to be a really valued member of the team. In the past few years, Gav has been promoted to a more supervisory role within the business and is the first port of contact in training new members of the fitting team. We are very proud to have Gav as a devoted employee and family member for the past 14 years! The time came in October 2009 when George and Kathleen were due to retire. Kathleen trained Michael's wife Simone (that's me by the way!) how to look after the accounts. My previous background was in marketing, advertising and customer services - so I feel I can achieve the same cheery service the family has provided our customers for so long.