JUNARI - Key Persons

Dom Tyler - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Director
Dom took the reins of Junari in 2018. He has worked in software since 1999 and been passionate throughout about making the most practical use of software in businesses. Dom became director of a well-established software company in Suffolk in 2006 and progressed to MD in 2012. During this time, he was also elected as chair of Mid and North Essex Mind mental health charity, retiring from the role in 2018 to focus on Junari. Outside of work, he is kept busy with his kids, an active lifestyle, and loads of audiobooks, and will probably always have a few more grey hairs than the most recent photo on our website.

Mike Tyler - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Finance Director
Mike is a hands-on FCCA (Fellowship ACCA), having worked in finance for over 40 years. He now sits as an advisor to Junari regarding financial strategy and planning. Living in Suffolk with his wife, Mike has three sons, the eldest of which, is Dom (above).

Russell Briggs

Job Titles:
  • Technical Lead
Russ joined Junari in 2008 and is the creator of our original JunariCRM+ product. In 2016 he went on an extended sabbatical to New Zealand, where he worked as a Senior Developer at Xero and Land Information New Zealand. He returned to Junari in early 2020 as CTO and has been applying his recent learnings to drive Junari's continued growth. Russ manages our team of Software Developers and Testers, and is responsible for our technical direction and infrastructure. Outside of work, Russ is a paraglider pilot, and talented guitarist and drummer who (restrictions permitting…) frequently performs live.