Al Francis

Job Titles:
  • Head Honcho, CEO & Founder
It was Al's frustration of not being able to find a holiday without knowing where he wanted to go that led to an early idea of the company. After bumping into Jonny in a curry house, and brainstorming over a few too many pints, travelmatch was born. Al spends most of his time looking over performance reports and drinking coffee.

David Bunbury

Job Titles:
  • Developer
  • Principal
Sitting on an axis perpendicular to breakfast and sanity there lies a niche interest area populated by David: Computational linguistics. That aside he enjoys music, trampolining and morris dancing.

Duncan Irvine

Job Titles:
  • Developer
  • Principal
Having been afflicted from an early age with a crippling lack of imagination, when asked to pen an intro for himself, Duncan fled and has yet to be heard from. Apparently he does something to do with bridges and has been seen hanging out with Billy in the pub.

Jesse McLaughlin

Job Titles:
  • Head of Development
Jesse sees the matrix-at least he thinks it's the matrix; it could just be the coffee. Either way, Jesse specialises in making sense of software requirements that M C Escher would be proud of.

Jonny Marsh Dolphin - COO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • COO
  • Founder
  • Trainer
When he's not busy in high powered meetings, Jonny can generally be found eating breakfast or playing golf. Although you couldn't tell from his posh phone voice, he's a valley boy at heart and enjoys screaming at the TV when Wales play rugby. A graduate of Bath University, he looks forward every year to not playing in the old boys football game.