BULLSEYE SOLUTIONS - History of Changes

2024-04-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2021-12-30 => 2022-12-30
2024-04-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2023-12-27 => 2024-09-28
2024-02-14 update statutory_documents 30/12/22 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2024-02-14 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/23, NO UPDATES
2023-10-07 update account_ref_day 29 => 28
2023-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2023-09-29 => 2023-12-27
2023-09-27 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 29/12/2022 TO 28/12/2022
2023-04-07 update account_ref_day 30 => 29
2023-04-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2020-12-30 => 2021-12-30
2023-04-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2022-09-30 => 2023-09-29
2023-03-11 update statutory_documents DISS40 (DISS40(SOAD))
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents SECRETARY APPOINTED MRS EMMA HAYNES
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/22, WITH UPDATES
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents COMPULSORY STRIKE OFF SUSPENDED (DISS16(SOAS))
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents CESSATION OF AVTAR SINGH BHATOA AS A PSC
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents CESSATION OF WILLIAM KELLY AS A PSC
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents APPOINTMENT TERMINATED, DIRECTOR AVTAR BHATOA
2023-03-10 update statutory_documents APPOINTMENT TERMINATED, SECRETARY AVTAR BHATOA
2023-02-28 update statutory_documents FIRST GAZETTE
2022-12-29 update statutory_documents 30/12/21 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2022-09-29 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 30/12/2021 TO 29/12/2021
2022-04-19 delete fax 01279 423735
2022-02-01 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/21, NO UPDATES
2022-01-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2019-12-30 => 2020-12-30
2022-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2021-12-27 => 2022-09-30
2021-12-13 update statutory_documents 30/12/20 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2021-10-07 update account_ref_day 31 => 30
2021-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2021-09-30 => 2021-12-27
2021-09-27 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 31/12/2020 TO 30/12/2020
2021-09-17 delete phone 0303 123 1113
2021-09-17 delete source_ip
2021-09-17 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain ico.org.uk
2021-09-17 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain ncsc.gov.uk
2021-09-17 insert address Blackwell House Guildhall Yard London, EC2V 5AE United Kingdom
2021-09-17 insert phone 07540 190911
2021-09-17 insert source_ip
2021-09-17 update founded_year 2003 => null
2021-06-13 delete source_ip
2021-06-13 insert source_ip
2021-04-20 delete source_ip
2021-04-20 insert source_ip
2021-03-08 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/20, NO UPDATES
2021-02-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2018-12-30 => 2019-12-30
2021-02-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2020-12-31 => 2021-09-30
2020-12-28 update statutory_documents 30/12/19 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2020-07-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2020-09-30 => 2020-12-31
2020-02-14 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/19, NO UPDATES
2020-01-07 update account_ref_day 23 => 31
2020-01-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2017-12-31 => 2018-12-30
2020-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2019-12-23 => 2020-09-30
2019-12-04 update statutory_documents 30/12/18 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2019-12-04 update statutory_documents CURREXT FROM 23/12/2019 TO 31/12/2019
2019-10-07 update account_ref_day 24 => 23
2019-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2019-09-24 => 2019-12-23
2019-09-23 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 24/12/2018 TO 23/12/2018
2019-06-22 delete address Blackwell House Guildhall Yard London, EC2V 5AE United Kingdom
2019-06-22 insert phone 0303 123 1113
2019-06-22 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain ico.org.uk
2019-06-22 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain ncsc.gov.uk
2019-01-04 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/18, NO UPDATES
2018-10-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2016-12-31 => 2017-12-31
2018-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2018-09-24 => 2019-09-24
2018-09-21 update statutory_documents 31/12/17 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2018-03-18 update founded_year null => 2003
2018-02-05 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/17, WITH UPDATES
2018-02-01 delete phone 07540 190911
2017-10-07 update account_category TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL => TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2017-10-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2015-12-31 => 2016-12-31
2017-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2017-09-24 => 2018-09-24
2017-09-23 update statutory_documents 31/12/16 TOTAL EXEMPTION FULL
2017-05-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2014-12-31 => 2015-12-31
2017-05-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2017-03-18 => 2017-09-24
2017-04-21 update statutory_documents STATEMENT OF COMPANY'S OBJECTS
2017-04-21 update statutory_documents VARYING SHARE RIGHTS AND NAMES
2017-04-03 update statutory_documents 31/12/15 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2017-01-07 update account_ref_day 25 => 24
2017-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2016-12-21 => 2017-03-18
2017-01-02 update statutory_documents CONFIRMATION STATEMENT MADE ON 08/12/16, WITH UPDATES
2016-12-23 delete phone 01279 793 793 / 0207 556 1030
2016-12-18 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 25/12/2015 TO 24/12/2015
2016-10-07 update account_ref_day 26 => 25
2016-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2016-09-26 => 2016-12-21
2016-09-21 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 26/12/2015 TO 25/12/2015
2016-05-12 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2013-12-31 => 2014-12-31
2016-05-12 update accounts_next_due_date 2016-03-22 => 2016-09-26
2016-03-17 update statutory_documents 31/12/14 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2016-03-08 update returns_last_madeup_date 2014-12-08 => 2015-12-08
2016-03-08 update returns_next_due_date 2016-01-05 => 2017-01-05
2016-02-19 update statutory_documents 08/12/15 FULL LIST
2016-01-07 update account_ref_day 27 => 26
2016-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2015-12-24 => 2016-03-22
2015-12-22 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 27/12/2014 TO 26/12/2014
2015-10-24 delete product_pages_linkeddomain valuebasket.com
2015-10-07 update account_ref_day 28 => 27
2015-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2015-09-28 => 2015-12-24
2015-09-24 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 28/12/2014 TO 27/12/2014
2015-01-07 update account_ref_day 29 => 28
2015-01-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2012-12-31 => 2013-12-31
2015-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2014-12-28 => 2015-09-28
2015-01-07 update returns_last_madeup_date 2013-12-08 => 2014-12-08
2015-01-07 update returns_next_due_date 2015-01-05 => 2016-01-05
2015-01-01 delete source_ip
2015-01-01 insert phone 01279 793 793 / 0207 556 1030
2015-01-01 insert source_ip
2014-12-31 update statutory_documents 31/12/13 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2014-12-31 update statutory_documents 08/12/14 FULL LIST
2014-12-26 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 29/12/2013 TO 28/12/2013
2014-10-07 update account_ref_day 30 => 29
2014-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2014-09-30 => 2014-12-28
2014-09-28 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 30/12/2013 TO 29/12/2013
2014-08-27 delete address 15 Great St Thomas Apostle London EC4V 2BJ
2014-08-27 delete address 15 Great St Thomas Apostle London, EC4V2BJ United Kingdom
2014-08-27 delete phone 02073328299
2014-08-27 insert address Blackwell House Guildhall Yard London EC2V 5AE
2014-08-27 insert address Blackwell House Guildhall Yard London, EC2V 5AE United Kingdom
2014-08-27 insert phone 020 7556 1030
2014-08-27 update primary_contact 15 Great St Thomas Apostle London EC4V 2BJ => Blackwell House Guildhall Yard London EC2V 5AE
2014-07-18 delete source_ip
2014-07-18 insert source_ip
2014-03-07 update returns_last_madeup_date 2012-12-08 => 2013-12-08
2014-03-07 update returns_next_due_date 2014-01-05 => 2015-01-05
2014-02-26 update statutory_documents 08/12/13 FULL LIST
2014-01-07 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2011-12-31 => 2012-12-31
2014-01-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2013-12-27 => 2014-09-30
2013-12-22 update website_status Disallowed => OK
2013-12-03 update statutory_documents 31/12/12 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2013-11-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2013-11-05 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2013-10-07 update account_ref_day 31 => 30
2013-10-07 update accounts_next_due_date 2013-09-30 => 2013-12-27
2013-09-27 update statutory_documents PREVSHO FROM 31/12/2012 TO 30/12/2012
2013-06-24 update returns_last_madeup_date 2011-12-08 => 2012-12-08
2013-06-24 update returns_next_due_date 2013-01-05 => 2014-01-05
2013-06-22 update accounts_last_madeup_date 2010-12-31 => 2011-12-31
2013-06-22 update accounts_next_due_date 2012-09-30 => 2013-09-30
2012-12-12 update statutory_documents 08/12/12 FULL LIST
2012-09-28 update statutory_documents 31/12/11 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2012-02-27 update statutory_documents 08/12/11 FULL LIST
2011-10-05 update statutory_documents 31/12/10 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2011-03-09 update statutory_documents 08/12/10 FULL LIST
2010-10-03 update statutory_documents 31/12/09 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2010-02-24 update statutory_documents 08/12/09 FULL LIST
2010-02-24 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / AVTAR BHATOA / 01/10/2009
2010-02-24 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / MR WILLIAM KELLY / 01/10/2009
2009-10-01 update statutory_documents 31/12/08 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2009-02-16 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR AND SECRETARY'S CHANGE OF PARTICULARS / AVTAR BHATORA / 31/08/2008
2009-02-16 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 08/12/08; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2009-02-05 update statutory_documents 31/12/07 TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL
2008-07-14 update statutory_documents APPOINTMENT TERMINATED SECRETARY WILLIAM KELLY
2008-07-14 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 08/12/07; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2007-10-01 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 31/12/06
2007-07-16 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 08/12/06; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2006-10-24 update statutory_documents ACCOUNTS OF DORMANT COMPANY MADE UP TO 31/12/05
2006-10-04 update statutory_documents NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED
2006-10-04 update statutory_documents SECRETARY RESIGNED
2006-07-19 update statutory_documents NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED;NEW DIRECTOR APPOINTED
2006-01-10 update statutory_documents RETURN MADE UP TO 08/12/05; FULL LIST OF MEMBERS
2005-09-01 update statutory_documents NEW DIRECTOR APPOINTED
2005-07-15 update statutory_documents NEW SECRETARY APPOINTED
2004-12-17 update statutory_documents DIRECTOR RESIGNED
2004-12-17 update statutory_documents SECRETARY RESIGNED