ALPHA-ACTIVE - Key Persons

Dr Keith Barfoot

Job Titles:
  • CPhys MInstP - Managing Director
  • Specialist
Keith is a specialist in product development of medical and security sensors and instrumentation through his company, Staplethorne Ltd. Keith's job at Alpha-Active is to focus on product development, customer applications, and commercialisation of the EEG.

Dr Mathieu Cassen

Job Titles:
  • Technical Contractor
Managing Director of Imartec SARL, technology partners with Staplethorne (See Mathieu specialises in the medical device and software development aspects of the EEG.

Dr Peter Grainger DHom

Job Titles:
  • ASHAT - Clinical Practitioner
Peter is a clinical hypnotherapist and he routinely uses the Alpha-Active HeadCoachâ„¢ EEG during his clinical work. Trained in hypnosis in the NHS, Peter used it to treat patients with chronic pain. Currently he offers a form of hypnotherapy which involves monitoring the brain's electrical activity (EEG) to ensure that the therapy becomes effective in the quickest possible time. Use of the EEG during therapy provides a measure of the patient's state of mental awareness/consciousness. Dr Grainger uses hypnosis and EEG in the treatment of many conditions such as addictions like smoking or alcohol, for weight loss, or to gain confidence, or for conditions such as chronic pain, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, irritable bowel syndrome and any stress related problem such as anxiety/tension, insomnia, high blood pressure, panic attacks, guilt, anger, jealousy and inadequacy can be helped.