BASEMAP - Key Persons

Alex Laven

Job Titles:
  • Senior Product Specialist
Alexandra is our Senior Product Specialist. She enjoys spending her free time exploring new and exciting places with friends and family, usually involving sun, sea and drinks!. At times she also loves to read and catch up with the latest shows and films.

Amaka Osuji

Job Titles:
  • Product Executive
Our new Product Specialist, Amaka Osuji brings unique knowledge in the GIS space having worked in the past on several GIS projects. Amaka aims to streamline the process for clients and prospects to simplify Geographic and Spatial data for their transport projects.

Dan Saunders

Job Titles:
  • Head of Products
Dan joined the business in 2007 as it's third employee, he's known as ‘Basemap Dan', he's the fountain of all product knowledge and oversees the product range. In Dan's spare time he enjoys the gym and playing 5-a-side. For his sins he's a keen supporter of Tottenham Hotspur and tries to get up to the ground to watch them whenever possible.

Dan Stow

Job Titles:
  • Software Developer
Having spent several years working as a developer from implementing front-end applications to day-to-day internal management, Dan will be responsible for powering our EVR tool into its next exciting phase. Away from the office, Dan enjoys photography and in between board and computer gaming is putting his spare hours into learning the keyboard.

Debs Geaves

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager
Debs joined Basemap in June 2016 after 13 years as an Operations Director of a similar business. Her role covers everything finance and office management related. Often to be found on a badminton/squash court when not working or lazing around on the sofa!

Dom France

Job Titles:
  • Manager
  • EVR Manager

Emma Heckstall-Smith - VP of Sales

Job Titles:
  • Head of Sales
Emma joined Basemap in 2023 bringing sales leadership to the team. With 25 years of sales experience, she is responsible for the growth and development of the business. In her spare time, she loves running or catching up with friends and family over a G&T

Harvey Dolan

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager
Harvey has joined Basemap as a Business Development Manager, with over 5 years' experience in business development. In his early career, he studied Politics at The University of Sheffield and was awarded a First Class Honours degree! In his spare time, he loves a drink and a good book.

Hossein Hamid

Job Titles:
  • Machine Learning and AI Developer
Hossein joins Basemap as a Machine Learning and AI Developer, predominantly working on EVR enhancing and refining the powerful algorithms. Hossein is a keen athlete, running multiple times a week as well as cycling around Guildford.

Jayshree Sawant

Job Titles:
  • Software Developer
Jayshree joined Basemap in December 2019 as a software developer. Jayshree is responsible for many of the web products that are developed. In her spare time she likes hiking and cooking, and is a keen baker, her speciality are delicious cookies that the Basemap team like to eat.

Lawrence Phillips

Job Titles:
  • Lead Developer
Lawrence joins Basemap in 2021 bringing technical leadership to the team and bringing 20 years of experience in software development. Bringing a mantra of ‘our worst day was yesterday' he work to bring iterative improvements to the Basemap product suite as well as the teams working practice. Lawrence is an fan of all things geek; an avid fan of strategy board games and table top wargames, miniature painting and recently 3D modelling.

Mahdi Rastegari

Job Titles:
  • Software Developer
An Engineer by trade, Mahdi has developed a proficiency in Senior .Net development with an algorithm background. Mahdi is a skilled problem-solver in both CPU and GPU environments. with several years of web and windows based applications under his belt, the next tool to add to his armory includes MAUI and ML.Net. Outside of work Mahdi enjoys learning new languages and following Real Madrid's matches.

Mark Gallagher - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Chief Executive
Mark serves as the Chief Executive and heads up the client side of the business. Outside of work you will find him watching,and sometimes playing, a variety of sports.

Patrick McKenna

Job Titles:
  • Software Engineer
Patrick has a varied employment history having worked for companies in both the construction and insurance industries. As a Software Engineer he will be working on iterating and improving upon Basemap's current solutions. In his spare times, he loves to compete in 6-aside football, go to gigs and play guitar.

Peter Jamieson

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
  • Graduate AI / ML Engineer

Sameer Saleem

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager