Adrian Priddle

Adrian Priddle helps people and businesses to develop their working relationships, communication and decision making. He provides training in business writing, business development, and commercial awareness using a mix of theory, practice and metaphors to develop people's understanding and application.

Emma C Browning

Emma's passion is helping businesses to grow through their people. After 30 years in the corporate world, working at HR Director level, Emma decided that she wanted to set up her own HR consultancy to help small businesses understand and look after their greatest asset - their people. Emma's passion is to help and support small businesses create and implement bespoke and best practice HR strategies to attract, develop and retain the best people for their business.

Margaret Kendle

Margaret is an enthusiast for facilitating personal development and change, who specialises in designing and facilitating management and leadership development programmes that equip people managers with the skills to lead and inspire their teams to develop their potential.