MARTIN & MARTYN - Key Persons

Martyn Ellis

Born in Solihull, in the West Midlands of the UK, Martyn was for many years involved in English Language Teaching (English as a Foreign Language) employed by International House in London and in Spain, and also for Eurocentres as a teacher, teacher trainer, Director of Studies and latterly, Principal. He has a Masters in EFL (MATEFL) from the Centre of Applied Language Studies (CALS) at the University of Reading. Since 1999 he has been a fulltime writer and consultant, involved in writing projects and as an Inspector for EAQUALS (European Association of Quality Language Services).

Rosa María Martín

A native of Zaragoza in the north-east of Spain, Rosa has an educational background in linguistics and a Masters in Language and Literature in Education from the Institute of Education at the University of London. She is director of Lanugaue Learning (Learning Development Unit) at Queen Mary, University of London, a post she combines with her very active writing career. She has experience in a range of areas of education, having been advisory teacher for Modern Languages in London boroughs for Primary and Secondary students and has developed a number of re-training courses in modern languages for UK secondary teachers of other subjects.