DAVENHEATH - Key Persons

Alan Dadley - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Running the business doesn't leave much time for recreation but when the opportunity arises Alan is a real film buff converting his loft into a home cinema.

Dan Henry

Job Titles:
  • Design Engineer
In November 2011 Dan Henry decided Davenheath was a company where he would like to work. With fatherhood looming he saw prospects for a good future within the company. However due to a severe injury in 2012 Dan was unable to return to work for over a year, unperturbed his career has progressed seeing him move to commissioning of systems and in depth fault finding to design engineer. All that and 3 children later you would think Dan had no time for recreation…..you would be wrong. As a very avid follower of the Motor Cycle racing world Dan likes nothing better than to get on two wheels of any kind and enjoy the thrill of the ride.

Matt Gregory

Job Titles:
  • Design Engineer
From working at Davenheath during his school holidays Matt joined the company straight from school as an apprentice fire alarm engineer whilst attending college to gain his electrical qualifications. Never having looked back he has progressed through the ranks of servicing, installing, fault finding and 10 years on he is now one of our Design Engineers getting to grips with paperwork.

Sue Gregory

Job Titles:
  • Director
With strong administration and financial skills, Sue joined Davenheath in 2005 after having run her own business successfully for many years. Having been involved with Davenheath prior to joining she knew the business well and very soon became a significant key member of the team accepting a directorship in 2007. Apart from organising the team she organises her home around her family and 3 dogs as well as the odd bit of DIY.