Primary Contacts

4/07 Aleph, Belsay Hall, UK

Other Addresses

1/05 NTNU School of Architecture, Trondheim, Norway
10/05 Brainmirror, Matchmaking festival, Trondheim, Norway
10/05 Crystalpunk workshop for soft architecture, Utrecht, The Netherlands
11/05 Dorkbot Budapest 10/05 Matchmaking festival, Trondheim, Norway
11/07 Reorient, Paris, France
3/06 Game Set Match conference, Delft, The Netherlands
4/06 Ping Genius Loci, Mal au Pixel, Paris, France
5/06 Distributed Projection Structure, Mixedmedia festival, Milan, Italy
5/06 Interaction design workshop, Domus Academy, Milan, Italy
6/06 Brainmirror, Ludwig museum, Budapest, Hungary
8/06 Wifi Camera Obscura, Waves at Arsenal, Riga, Latvia
9/06 Reorient, Venice Biennale of Architecture, Italy
9/06 Wifi Camera Obscura, Folly, Lancaster, UK
Kaisaniemenkatu 10, Helsinki

Other Phones

+36 30 540 5204
+46 70 740 43 29

Other Emails