Mrs Dana Mitchell

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Providing piano lessons for more than 40 years, Dana Mitchell (BA Hons, PGCE) founded Hebron Piano School as a result of Lisa Childs' encouragement. Mrs Mitchell first met Lisa Childs in 1985 and has benefited from her guidance and friendship over many years. As a result, hundreds of pupils have successfully passed through the piano school. Mrs Mitchell has a warm and engaging way of communicating with her pupils and finds real joy in helping them achieve their potential.

Piano Tutor

Brought up on the Lisa Childs method, Rebecca Faith France (BMus, MMus) sat GCSE Music at the age of thirteen and Grade 8 Piano the following year. Rebecca began teaching this method at age 14 and went on to study music at Cardiff University, completing a Master's degree in composition. As well as teaching, Rebecca writes educational music. She has arranged music for cruise shows and concerts, including a soundtrack to accompany a narration by Michael Sheen celebrating Dylan Thomas' centenary. Both pupils and audiences love her music.