Dr Amit Majevadia

Dr Amit took over the Prestwood Dental Health Centre in April 2008, the core principles that Amit works by are prevention and a well motivated patient. In dentistry prevention and hygiene are paramount, Amit has a keen interest in periodontal treatment and works closely with his hygienist to ensure patients have a good foundation for any other treatment to succeed.

Dr Dilan Taylor

Dilan graduated from Barts & The Royal London Dental Institute and subsequently passed examinations to be awarded his Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Following a year in general dental practice, he then went on to hold a position as a Senior House Officer in Restorative Dentistry, at the Royal London Dental Institute, the position enabled him to further enhance his skill under the guidance of top consultants within their fields and he was awarded the Best Clinical Case Presentation Prize in 2013. Coinciding with this, he began his Diploma in Primary Dental Care at the University of Kent, which he completed with distinction in 2014. During his undergraduate degree, he was fortunate enough to complete a 3 month exchange in Sweden with the Karolinska Dental Institute; which may have seeded the idea which led to him working abroad within private practice in Singapore from 2014-2018. Throughout this period he continued to expand his dental skill set, taking various courses in implants and orthodontics. He has a sociable character and relishes the opportunity to help improve the oral health of every single one of his patients through good discussions of any dental issues they may have, and the delivery of high quality dental treatment. In his spare time Dilan enjoys playing golf, keeping fit and playing the guitar, he also loves to travel and is always planning his next activity holiday.

Dr Raj Bakrania

Dr. Bakrania qualified from The University of Manchester in 2010 and has since been working in general practice between Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire. Raj enjoys restorative dentistry as a whole, with particular emphasis on utilising composite resins to achieve optimal results, both aesthetically and conservatively. He also enjoys using this in combination with the Six Months Smiles and Invisalign systems to provide his patients with the smile they are after. With his relaxing and calm demeanour, he prides himself in treating particularly anxious and phobic patients, and is proud to have many patient recommendations based on this alone. When not practicing dentistry, Raj has a keen passion for music and home restoration & renovation, and also enjoys helping his wife with her budding fashion business.

Dr Sonny Handa

Dr Sonny Handa has been at the Practice for 25 years. He brings a magnitude of experience after joining the team here as full time and is highly skilled in all areas of general practice with a strong interest in aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery and orthodontics. He also has a passion for children's dental health with a strong emphasis on prevention and regular screening. He is registered provider with Fastbraces, Byte c-thru, Somnowell and Enlighten Teeth Whitening. He has a passion for travel and scuba diving, koi keeping, and follows football religiously. Lives and Loves his life through Dentistry, and in helping people to smile and gain their confidence.

Natalie Pell

Job Titles:
  • Practice Manager
  • Member of the Team
Natalie has been a long standing member of the team since 2006. She started here as a dental nurse but always had her sights on furthering her career. In 2018 she took over as Practice Manager and now looks after the team and daily running of the practice. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family and friends and keeping fit through cycling and walks in the local countryside.