ALAN MYATT - Key Persons

Ian Parson

Job Titles:
  • Author of a Secret Step
I met the author Ian Parson when I was in London the other day. He's written a novel set in the East End of London covering the period of Jack the Ripper in the 1880s right up to the Blitz in 1940. A Secret Step is highly recommended if you're looking for a gripping tale with a similar feel and backdrop to the recent TV series Ripper Street and Call the Midwife. It would also make a great Christmas present!

Lee Crosbie

Job Titles:
  • Photographer
I'm often stopped in the street by people wanting to take photos. Here's one taken when I was at Camden Lock last weekend by Lee Crosbie as part of his ‘photograph a stranger' project that he was kind enough to send on to me. Keep up the good work, Lee!

Town Crier

Job Titles:
  • Fellow
I was very sad to hear that my old friend and fellow Town Crier, Ted Davy, had passed away the other day. Along with other colleagues, I attended his funeral service in a packed Grimsby Crematorium to pay my respects. Members of the Grimsby branch of the Royal Anglian and Royal Lincolnshire Regiment, in which Ted had served, formed a guard of honour at the service. Ted was a lovely guy who befriended me more than twenty years ago. He was a consummate professional, a member of the Britannic Guild of Toastmasters and the Loyal Order of Town Criers, a master chef, a circus guru and a first class Town Crier. He always had a smile on his face and he'll be sadly missed.