Brendan Collis - Chief Commercial Officer

Job Titles:
  • Commercial Director

Shade Sails

Shade Sails are designed to protect from the harmful effects of the sun and to help create a comfortable environment in hot weather. Conceived in Australia 30+ years ago Shade Sails have been specifically designed for these two purposes : Protection and comfort. The protection offered by shade sails is in large part the reason they were created. Having suffered very high levels of Skin Cancer the Australian government decided to ensure that play grounds and public areas offered 'safe' shade in which people could shelter during the hottest parts of the day. The initial Shade Sail created the safe shade required but also trapped hot air below the canvas and so was hotter underneath than outside. The solution was to weave the fabric so that this hot air could rise through the fabric, also allowing any breeze to pass through. Shade Sails are not only a canvas stretched between fixing points : often they are used to create interesting architectural structures. A Shade sail is normally fixed to part of the house and common uses included protecting pools, patios and play areas for children. There are no rules, shade sails can be used anywhere and combining sizes, shapes and colours can often lead to interesting, unique structures. Shade Sails are also frequently used in public spaces including malls, parking lots, schools, playgrounds and sports areas.