DBS DATAMARKETING - History of Changes

2024-03-16 delete ceo Adam Williams
2024-03-16 delete managingdirector Adam Williams
2024-03-16 update person_description Adam Williams => Adam Williams
2024-03-16 update person_title Adam Williams: CEO; Managing Director => CEO and DPO
2022-11-25 update person_description Gary Brandon => Gary Brandon
2021-06-12 delete cfo Nicola Fletcher
2021-06-12 delete person Nicola Fletcher
2020-05-09 insert cfo Nicola Fletcher
2020-05-09 delete person Chris Feasey
2020-05-09 delete person James Neale
2020-05-09 insert person Jenna Bibby
2020-05-09 insert person Nicola Fletcher
2020-05-09 update person_description Nathan Rose => Nathan Rose
2018-02-16 insert otherexecutives Gary Brandon
2018-02-16 update person_title Gary Brandon: null => Commercial Director
2017-05-27 delete person Neel Pattni