Paul Meek

Paul Meek (Chartered F.C.I.P.D) founded Solutions after two years in the police then a twenty-two-year career in the ambulance service where his final post was an Operations Director. Throughout Paul's career, he was exposed daily to the consequences of poorly managed risks, and this is what spurred Paul to establish Solutions Training, he wanted to bridge the visible but avoidable gaps in risk management and in particular health & safety education and the development of equipment used to aid safer transportation of people. Paul and his team have successfully designed a wide range of training programmes to assist organisations with managing risk effectively. Many of our training courses are endorsed and placed on the Regulated Qualifications Framework. In addition to this, the Solutions team have also designed and manufacture bespoke moving & handling equipment to enhance the method of moving & handling of people. Paul and his team's continued vision of improvement to managing risk by developing people and his operational experience has helped many companies and individuals improve their knowledge and technical skills and in turn reduced risk in the workplace. He is a very highly regarded entity within his area of expertise.