Alison McGachy

Job Titles:
  • Development Manager With the John Muir Trust, Sai
Alison McGachy, Development Manager with the John Muir Trust, said "This scheme allows us to build on the strong relationship we have with many companies. Each company brings something different to the Trust whether in a direct financial donation or in-kind donation of products, equipment, services, staff time or office premises".

Dave McGowan

Job Titles:
  • of Profitmaster, Has Run the London Marathon Raising Sponsorship for the Trust, Which the Company Matched Pound for Pound
Dave McGowan, MD of Profitmaster, has run the London Marathon raising sponsorship for the Trust, which the Company matched pound for pound.

John Muir

Job Titles:
  • Trust
Profitmaster, has joined forces with one of the country's leading wild land organisations, the John Muir Trust, in order to protect our precious wild areas. We see the partnership with the Trust as key to the company's work ethic. "When we had the chance to provide financial support for the Trust's work, it was an opportunity we could not miss. We very much believe in what the John Muir Trust is doing to look after our wild area heritage.