FUGU - Key Persons

Gemma Norris

Gemma's PR background lies primarily in the built environment sector, though she also spent a stint coordinating a global interior design awards programme. A History graduate to the bone, she loves writing and in-depth research projects. Out of the office you'll most likely find her throwing her weight around on the netball court, or brushing up on her cello skills at home (much to the frustration of her housemates and neighbours).

Georgie Smith

Georgie is a Media and Communications professional whose experience lies mainly in the charity sector, specialising in events, social media and communications. Throughout her career, she has particularly enjoyed building relationships with fundraisers and supporters and helping to inspire them to reach new heights. When she's not working you can catch her reading up on the latest beauty trends, dancing at a music festival or trying her best in the gym.

Nione Meakin

Job Titles:
  • Communications Specialist
Story is at the forefront for Nione, a communications specialist with a background in journalism. Whether writing content, working on strategy, or chasing media coverage, her focus is always on finding the angle and creating a compelling narrative for clients including The Guardian, Virgin Atlantic and the Arts Council. Away from her desk Nione is most likely to be found in a drawing class or a bookshop.

Ruth Chapman

Ruth's love of writing started at an early age and propelled her through a BA, an MA and on to a career in PR and communications. She loves the challenge of content creation and over the last 20 years has worked within the travel, medical, digital, fashion, business, leisure and third sector industries. She works as a partner for Fugu, which gives her time to pursue her other passion: American school buses. Following a 14,000-mile year-long road-trip around the U.S with her family, she brought one back to Sussex to convert into luxury glamping.

Tony Felstead

Job Titles:
  • Writer, Illustrator
Tony is a published writer, illustrator and all-round ideas generator. When he's not developing campaign concepts for clients, Tony invests time in supporting the development of training, business and management structures within Fugu. If he is not out pounding the streets training for some marathon or other, he can often be found hiding in the local cinema.

Vicki Hughes

Vicki is our MD and founder. Working in consultancy since the early nineties, she has been at the forefront of developments in digital media and she's particularly fascinated by brands who want to disrupt their sector. A champion of the underdog, she's also a passionate supporter of a number of community based charities, which has led to her taking on leadership roles in several local organisations.

Vicky Welstead

An English Literature graduate and librarian's daughter, Vicky has built her career on her love of storytelling. Whether interviewing female stockbrokers who braved the trading floor in the 80s, researching new export trends or documenting college students' money worries, she loves uncovering narratives that capture the imagination. Working in communications since 2003, Vicky's experience ranges from global brands like American Express, Boots and EY to charities and fast-growing startups. A part time data geek she also has a special interest in research, data journalism and customer insight work.