PETS FIRST - Key Persons

Ros Locke

Job Titles:
  • Life Member of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
  • Proprietor
Ros Locke is the proprietor of Pets First. Ros is an experienced pethandler, and has had her own pets both four-footed and finny from a very early age. Having looked after a failed Guide Dog for eight years, she currently lives with 1 Siamese cat, 1 rescue cat, 1 rescue husband and several bird-feeders' worth of flying visitors. Ros graduated from Surrey University as a Physicist and spent nearly two decades helping to develop smart microscopes for the Gray Cancer Institute, (now part of the University of Oxford), before turning her life-long passion for animals into a new career with Pets First. Ros is a life member of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. She was on the committee of Kitty Cat Rescue for two years.