Ann McKenna

Job Titles:
  • Finance Officer

Ann-Marie McKeever

Job Titles:
  • Development Manager
Nickname - GG, Gracie, Gracious Favourite Food - Chinese or roast chicken dinner Hobbies/Interests - Pilates, walking, eating out. Greatest achievement - Building houses in Cambodia and my little girl Guilty Pleasure - Rubbish reality TV & a glass of wine. Best thing about working with Beam - Annmarie's cups of tea

Emma Heatherington

Job Titles:
  • Creative Writer

Fionnuala Cassidy

Job Titles:
  • Creative Writer

Grace Girvan

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager

Kathryn O'Neill

Job Titles:
  • Head of Operations and Development
Nickname - Aners, Anerie, Mac Favourite Food - Oh, such a hard one, it's easier to say what I don't like! Hobbies/Interests - Walking the dog, Reading and Music Greatest Achievement - Raising two happy and confident kids Guilty Pleasure - Reality TV! Best thing about working with Beam - Fun, friendship and making people happy.