Johnny Isaacs - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
If you had asked me that indomitable question when I was a child "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I would have answered without hesitation "A musician". A keen singer and able to play guitar and piano, like every kid does, I dreamed of being in a group. Fast forward a few years and I realised the Rock & Roll lifestyle wasn't for me. I did, however, have a talent for art and so I started to follow my creative path. I had a natural fascination with technology - but more so, tech that could improve the experience of a user and how people naturally react with a product, service, or even space. I soon realised that it wasn't just a fascination for me but a passion. And it was this passion that, years later, led to opening the doors to Explosive Brands.