2COMMUNIQU - Key Persons

Cheryl Della Pietra

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Partner
  • Copy Editor

Chris St.Cyr

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
Why do you enjoy working with clients in education? It's the opportunity to work with people that understand the need for structure and flexibility; that are experts in their field and still curious; that have learned from history and are excited about the possibilities of the future; and believe that both informal and formal education can change lives. What is a memory from your school experience? When I was in high school, junior or senior year, I had an assignment in a U.S. government class. The teacher was open to alternative methods of showing knowledge of a subject, and keep in mind this was the 1980s. I remember creating a photo essay about how the constitutional amendments apply to our contemporary lives. I took photos and wrote captions and compiled them in a binder. I was nervous that it wasn't a traditional written essay. I don't remember the grade I received, but I remember the feeling of success, way more important than a grade. It was one of those early acknowledgements of visual problem solving that has sustained me over the course of my design career. Where do you find inspiration? I find inspiration in my students. The work they do, the questions they ask, how they solve problems, the communities they build, the careers they develop, the music they share with me, and their laughter. What's an example of a time when you took a risk and it paid off? Going to grad school. I had a solid design career and money in the bank, but I wanted to learn new things about motion and interaction design, and maybe consider teaching. When I got into MassArt I had to quit my full-time job and pay for tuition with my savings. That risk changed my life for the better in so many ways. I'm still investigating the answers to questions that started in grad school, I started teaching, and I met Kelly.

Gabby Gordon

Job Titles:
  • Producer
  • Senior Designer
Why do you enjoy working with clients in education? We share the same values in the power of education and helping to advance the lives of others. I love feeling like an extension of their team! What is a memory from your school experience? I have so many fond memories from all my years in school. One of the many standouts was at the beginning of high school, I took an entry-level studio art class. One afternoon I mentioned to my teacher that I was interested in photography (I got my first camera when I was 8). We didn't have a specific class since my school was very small. I ended up sharing some of my work with him and that moment resulted in my independent study for the next four years. Having a mentor early on who encouraged and supported my interests was one of the reasons I went to college to study design (and photography!). Where do you find inspiration? I try to find inspiration in an array of places and sources, especially those that are more off the "beaten path." If I have someone I can ask questions to or have a conversation with, I always will. Without fail, I'll feel inspired when listening to stories, music, and reading. What's an example of a time when you took a risk and it paid off? When I first started learning about designing for digital in college, I was really struggling because the finished product wasn't a tangible item. I was fairly far into the project and feeling uneasy about my design, however, I was running out of time. Instead of playing it safe, I went to ask for help. That conversation led to scrapping everything I did and starting completely over. From that day forward, it all seemed to click. Lesson Learned: Always ask for help and nothing you make is precious.

Igor Aronov

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Partner
  • Web Developer

Jackson St.Cyr

Job Titles:
  • Marketing & Business Assistant
Why do you enjoy working with clients in education? Oftentimes the target audience/market with clients in education are young people, like me. So being on the inside and having the ability to provide my personal feedback as a member of the client's intended audience is incredibly fulfilling and meaningful to me. What is a memory from your school experience? Mr. Wilson was my eleventh-grade teacher for United States History & Government. I had seen Mr. Wilson in the halls as a ninth and tenth-grade student and always thought that he was a slightly grumpy, unenthusiastic guy; always walking around wearing a slight frown. So when I walked into his classroom on the first day of eleventh grade I expected this to be a mediocre class at best. But as he began to speak, I found myself increasingly captivated by his passionate and animated style of explaining history and government; it made me fall in love with government, politics, and history. And now, as a freshman at American University (AU) studying law and politics, I can credit the memory of his class and his character as my favorite school experience thus far. Where do you find inspiration? I pull inspiration from the people in my life and in history that have achieved great success accomplishing goals similar to my own. What's an example of a time when you took a risk and it paid off? I took a risk when I decided to attend AU instead of a substantially less expensive and (arguably) less academically rigorous college or university. But the risk is seemingly paying off because in just my first few weeks at AU I have created valuable relationships with professors and professionals in the world of D.C. politics, secured a job as the Event Outreach Manager for the Board of Spirits & Traditions, and have been selected alongside 36 other freshmen to participate in the Advanced Leadership Development Program.

Kelly McMurray - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
  • Founder
  • Senior Designer
Why do you enjoy working with clients in education? I love that it allows me to be a lifelong learner. I love learning new things outside of design, and I love that I get to read and design content that not only further educates me but will drive learning and conversation in the larger world. What is a memory from your school experience? During a lecture, Lucy Bowditch, my art history professor, made a passing comment: "you thought you knew what was there so you stopped looking." I think about this quote often-it keeps me curious. I never want to stop exploring based on the assumption that I already know what I'm going to find. I aim to be an active explorer in all aspects of my life. Why do you enjoy working with clients in education? Okay, let's be honest. We all know there is more money in healthcare and finance. But at the end of the day it isn't money that drives this studio (don't get me wrong, we do like to get paid for our work). But it is the people. Time and time again I find that the people who select to work in the education sector are curious, intellectual, and respectful of other people's ideas. And those are our clients. What is a memory from your school experience? I have so many memories, from an amazing social studies teacher in 8th grade to a phenomenal advisor in Graduate School. But one memory that always stands out to me is from undergraduate school at VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University). As a senior I was the art director of the school arts magazine, Richmond Arts, and had to ask a faculty member to be an advisor. I asked one of my favorite professors from junior year, Phil Meggs. He willingly said yes and I figured that because he was so busy that he didn't really have time to participate. But I was wrong. He asked me one day why he wasn't invited to meetings. I felt terrible and quickly invited him to our next meeting. Which happened to be in a snowstorm (not typical in Richmond, VA). But I remember when he walked through the door in big snowboats and his usual upbeat attitude. Where do you find inspiration? My team. Their work, curiosity, and ambition inspires me to do my best work and to be the best leader I can be. What's an example of a time when you took a risk and it paid off? Starting this firm. In 1998 I left my salaried job at the men's magazine P.O.V. I worked with an amazing group of people but I knew that I wanted to run my own firm. I lined up one client and took the leap. Shortly after that I met the editor of MIT's Technology Review and it was clear that we had a similar vision of where to take the magazine. But I told him I was committed to starting my firm. MIT became my second client and the firm was firmly launched!

Laura J. Cole

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Partner
  • Content Strategist

Michelle Lansing

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Partner
  • Consulting Content Strategist

Vicki Glembocki

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Partner
  • Editorial Consultant