Job Titles:
  • Principal Research Consultant at the Materials Technologies Corporation
Dr. John Pike is a Principal Research Consultant at the Materials Technologies Corporation. He has been involved in the research, application, and development in applied optical physics, with emphasis on the problems of characterization of new materials and in the innovation of optical sensing and measurement instrumentation. Dr. Pike has deftly combined continuing developments in modern low-cost optoelectronic components with time-tested measurement methods of "classical" physics. This combination has led to highly reliable, rugged yet sensitive, "hybrid" sensing devices and methods. His strength lies in developing, testing, and recommending reliable, simple, economical optical solutions to practical problems.


Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Engineer at the Materials Technologies Corporation
Dr. Ozbay is a Senior Research Engineer at The Materials Technologies Corporation (MTC). He is the lead engineer for the US Army AETD contract on the development of Smart Damper Technology for Rotorcraft (Program Manager: Thomas Maier, Chief, Aeromechanics Division, Army/AETD AMSRD-AMR-AF-A, (650) 604-3643). Prior to joining MTC, Dr. Ozbay worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace Engineering, where he performed research on structural mechanics with applications to the Smart Damper Technology, and taught Statics course to the College of Engineering students.


Job Titles:
  • Program Manager
  • Vice President
  • President of the Materials Technologies Corporation
Dr. Mehrotra is the President of the Materials Technologies Corporation (MTC), in-charge of research and technology development. He has over 23 years' industrial experience in the research and engineering of advanced materials and development of optical instruments for process control and inspection. His current research interests include precision instruments and high-performance materials. Dr. Mehrotra has been the Program Manager for sixteen (16) research contracts from DoD (DARPA, BMDO, AF, Navy, Army), NASA, and DoE in new materials and instrument development. He is the Lead Engineer for the development of "MLS", a patented nondestructive non-contact optical instrument for measurement of surface roughness and coating thickness.