Barry Lastiwka

Job Titles:
  • Nursery Manager and Senior Horticulturalist

Elizabeth McLeish

Job Titles:
  • Chief Administrative Officer, Accounts Receivable and Payroll

Mike Shaw

Job Titles:
  • Maintenance and Irrigation
Mike has been with Acacia Landscape Inc. for 15 years and manages the maintenance division. He also specializes in the creation of water features and can be considered as one of the best irrigation designers and technicians in the Greater Victoria area. With his experience in construction and maintenance, Mike is our go-to guy for special projects and guides our foremen through the construction and scheduling process. Mike is an integral member of Acacia's core team.

Patrick Bartle

Job Titles:
  • Depot and Fleet Manager

Patsy Shedlock

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager

Steve McLeish

Job Titles:
  • Architect
  • CSLA - Registered Landscape Architect - Owner, President

Vernon McLeish - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Financial Officer