Barry Bragg

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Managing Director of CRL Energy Limited
Barry Bragg is the Managing Director of CRL Energy Limited a NZ mining consulting, research, testing and analytical business. Barry is also the Managing Director of Nuenz Limited a start-up business which produces and markets an advanced reinforcing material. Barry is also the Deputy Chairman of the Stevenson Group Limited. Barry has been a Trustee of the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust since 2002 and was appointed a Director of Air Rescue Services Ltd on 20th November 2002. More recently Barry has been appointed a Director of New Zealand Flying Doctors Trust.

Barry Steans - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Barry Steans is a Canterbury-based businessman with over 15 years experience in the Hospitality Industry. Barry was appointed a Director of Air Rescue Services on 5th February 2002 and later accepted the role of Managing Director for the company. Barry has a total of 25 years in the gaming industry.

David Duns

Job Titles:
  • Director
As the retired Managing Director of Duns Ltd, Business Consultants and Chartered Accountants, David has developed a long-standing base of business services and consultancy clients. His area of expertise includes establishing the most suitable structure for the sale and purchase of business's and properties, and the financing of these activities. David also has extensive experience in dispute resolution and business negotiations. He enjoys associating with the firms many clients and continues to act for his first client. David was appointed a Director of Air Rescue Services Ltd on 20th November 2002. David is also a Trustee of Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust.