Justin O'Farrell

Justin O'Farrell, hailing from Butte, Montana, is one of the Vice Presidents and Owners at the helm of CCI. Raised in a family deeply connected to the flooring industry, Justin's passion for the trade began at age 17 when he got started in the family business. He embarked on his own entrepreneurial journey by starting his first company at 21, gaining invaluable experience along the way. With expertise in new installation and material technology, Justin ensures that CCI stays ahead of industry advancements. His keen eye for identifying growth opportunities through equipment procurement and management drives the company's success. Beyond his professional endeavors, Justin cherishes quality time with his wife and four children, exploring the natural wonders of Alaska. His dedication and insightful leadership make him an integral part of propelling CCI to new heights.

Lee Harmon

Lee Harmon was born in Afton, Wyoming but grew up primarily in northern Utah. He has been involved in the construction industry from a young age, learning skills including concrete, framing, and finish work. After moving to Alaska in 2008, and joining Commercial Contractor's, Inc. four years later, Lee quickly advanced to Vice President and Owner of the company while leading the esteemed glazing side of the business as CCI's Glass Department Manager. During this time, Lee has played a crucial role in the growth and expansion of the company so Commercial Contractors can continue to meet the needs of the industry here in Alaska for another 50+ years. Lee lives with his wife, Amy, and their ever-growing family in Palmer. With a heart for children, the Harmons have four of their own and have welcomed another three youngsters into their fold through foster care and adoption. Lee loves adventuring in the mountains with his family, whether it's hiking and biking in the summers or splitboarding and snowmachining in the winters. This sense of adventure and drive lends itself toward continued expansion and excellence in the glazing department and CCI's impact throughout the State of Alaska.