Updated 11 days ago
Sunset Mall - Jumeirah Beach Rd office 40 - 43 - 2nd Floor - Dubai Al Ain
ACPN is the leading provider of neurological and psychiatric care in the UAE. Our qualified and experienced team of doctors, nurses, and therapists ensure your loved one's health is in safe hands...
ACPN is one of the premier treatment centers providing cutting-edge Neuropsychological Services to adults and children with intellectual and developmental disorders, behavioral difficulties, learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, and more...
Opening our doors to patients in 2008, we have since expanded our facilities from Abu Dhabi to Dubai and Al Ain. Our services have touched the lives of over 100,000 patients throughout the years - a milestone built on your trust as our foundation throughout these years.
Also known as: ACPN, American Center for Psychiatry