Chad Daymont

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Chad was six years old when APR opened its doors, and at times it seems like he grew up in the warehouse. Some of his earliest APR memories include peeling the stickers off the back of new plates and breaking his front tooth in half at one of the first annual company Christmas parties. Chad's current responsibilities include bookkeeping, marketing, customer relations, and implementing systems to run the business with more efficiency. He's also a substitute order puller, delivery driver and order taker. He enjoys spending quality time with his family (wife Stephanie, daughter Ellie, and son JP), playing golf, and traveling to new places.

Judy Daymont

Job Titles:
  • Owner
After 27 years at APR, Judy retired in 2016 and now spends most of her time time traveling, volunteering, and visiting grandchildren. She still pokes her head in the door a couple times each month, so please say hello if you happen to see her!

Natalie Bell

Job Titles:
  • Senior Event Specialist

Sarah Willis

Job Titles:
  • Event Specialist

Todd Daymont

Job Titles:
  • CERP, Owner
Much like Chad, Todd also has fond memories of the early days at APR. Rather than peeling stickers, though, Todd recalls painting white wood chairs. Todd spends the majority of his time now in the back of the house keeping a keen eye on operations, making strategic decisions that will help us continue to improve, and repairing equipment as needed. Todd is a Certified Event Rental Professional (CERP) as well as an active member of the American Rental Association of North Carolina. On the weekends (Todd would say, "What weekends?!") he enjoys listening to live music with his wife Meredith and sons Lucas and Oliver, working on home improvement projects, and the all-too-rare night out on the town with the guys.