Hey Guys

Hey Guys! Pumpkin Here! I'm also know as the Ginger Ninja because I just LOVE running and jumping off all sorts of heights! I was brought here to Russell Vale Vets as a teeny tiny kitten, and I was so scared of everything I let NO ONE near me at all! I was very hissy spitty so they say (although I thought that was just regular ginger cat-itude) Dr Liz's youngest daughter Paige eventually brought me around to the cuddly way of life with her love and attention. I often sit by the counter on my plush bed, for 3 Very Important Reasons: 1) to supervise the goings on around here (I mean, someone has to right?) 2) to bask In the sun and birdwatch and 3) to get the cuddles and pats of course? (just one my terms, 3 pats and I'm done unless I REALLY like you, then maybe it's 4 pats) Bye for now!