Dr. Gerik Alexander - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Dr. Gerik Alexander v.Graevenitz (CEO) has 11 years experience in the biometric industry and over 15 years in IT business. He was involved in various consulting projects in Germany, UK, France, Spain, USA, China (Mainland), Taiwan and Singapore. His Ph.D. thesis in management economics deals with the evaluation of biometric technology and the success criteria and market potential of biometric identification systems. He studied at the universities of Bonn (Germany), València (Spain), Aix-en-Provence (France), Kassel (Germany) and Bochum (Germany). Further he had research visits to the McGill University (Canada), Washington University (USA), University of Illinois Urbana and Champaign (USA), University of Chicago (USA).

Helene Weiss

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Manager
Helene Weiss is Marketing Manager and responsible for Public Affairs. She is flu ent in a total of five languages - in addition to her native German, she speaks Spanish, (Classical) Arabic, English and Chinese (Mandarin) - and clearly possesses great natural leadership. With a degree in communications and her Master ™s studies in International Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) within the University of London, she joined Applied Biometrics GmbH part-time in 2008 while also undertaking volunteer work at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Damascus, Syria. On top of her already demanding study and work commitments she also engaged in cultural exchange duties with the German broadcasting station ARD Radio in Beijing. Her energy for projects outside of her immediate responsibilities, her drive to see them through and her range of ideas are unparalleled.

Otmar Friedrich

Otmar Friedrich has more than 25 years experience in software development and network technology and was responsible for numerous IT and security projects in different industries in Europe, North America and Asia. He is an expert in security infrastructure, cryptographic techniques, theoretical models, relational databases and networked heterogeneous systems. Otmar Friedrich studied mathematics at the University of Bonn. He is responsible for our customers in English- and Arabic-speaking region.